Friday, October 21, 2011

Forest City Baptist Church comes to Amapayla

On September 15 Forst Lake Baptist Church arrived in Tegus. Today was a special day in Honduras. It was their Independance Day. We handled things a little bit different on this day. This is a big celebration for the people of Honduras. This group came here to evangelize on an island called Amapala which is about an hour from Choluteca. Mike and I had made prior accomodations for the team to stay on the island for their week. They were going to work with an awesome pastor named Ever Vilchez. Pastor Vilchez asked us not to come to the island on Independence Day because of the business of the celebration. So the team went to down to Choluteca to get their orientation, chicken tacos and a good night's rest. While waiting to leave the team sang hymns in English and Spanish. They never let a moment go by they were not reading or study about God and his word. They were preparing for the week ahead. Bobby Edney had a "God moment" the morning we were to head out to Amapala. He was having his quiet time early that morning and he happen to look up and there were two more men having their quiet time, along with Mike praying quietly. All you could here were the birds chirping outside the window. Bobby shared that he felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in that place at that time. He said it made his hairs stand up on his arms. God could not have said, "I am with you " any clearer if He had said it verbally. What a mighty God we serve....What a SAVIOR!!! The team was to head out about 9:30 so they got busy loading the kia with cots, boxes and coolers of food, let's just say they took all they needed for a week on the island of Ampayla. Mike and I had a different experience with this group that we had ever had before. The house they were staying only had two bedrooms and one bathroom. So we were not with them during their week here accept one day we paid a visit and had lunch with them. The team arrived at the island and loaded the Kia and themselves on two ferries and off they went across the water to the most beautiful island God has ever created. Looking on both sides of the water were the most grande and lovely mountains you could ever ask for. God's creation is sometimes all we need . So Mike and I said our good-byes and told them we would see them in a few days. When they arrived they got settled in and some of the team members put cots in the living room for bedtime. They made a make shift shower since there was only one bathroom. Most of the men took their showers outside when there was water. There water supply was limited. Oh did I share they did not have air conditioning as well that week. This group truly sacrificed the comforts of home to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory. Rosa Famosa did not go to the island with them. They hired a local lady to do their cooking and to do their laundry. This was a true blessing for this lady for it provided extra income for her that week. This group had been to Ampayla in 2005 and help start a church there. They went back this year to share the gospel to the city where this is the only Baptist church. The church is presently meeting outside on the property of the church. Please pray one day they will get a church building. Even though we all know the people are the church. After settling in they met with Pastor Vilchez to plan out their week. Their days were full of awesome opportunities of serving the Lord. They broke up into three groups and did door to door evangalizing and then had a revival at 4:00 every afternoon. Pastor Jose Epinal, one of the team members held a marriage conference Monday - Wednesday in the local church. Tuesday and Wednesday mornings were special because the team were allowed to go to two local schools and speak to the children about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the evening they would have their devotionals and "God moments". During those two days 155 children accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The total salvations for the week were 178 people who are now brothers and sisters in Christ. To God be the glory. What a Savior we serve. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

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