Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Antioch Baptist Returns to Honduras

On May 1, Pastor Joey returns with five people who came last year and brought six new team members to evangelise in a beautiful mountainous village called  Piedra de Agua.  The evening they arrived the team along with four amazing translators, Egla, Meidi, Gabby and a new friend, Carlos started preparing for the next day.  The team brought puppets to do during VBS and learned very quickly they had some very talented translators.  So instead of sharing in English and translating into Espanol the team unanimously voted for the translators to do the skits.  We were very blessed with our four translators this week.  Each of them had just the right gift from God to perform the skits.  They were given the material the night before and were ready to perform the next day.  Thank you for a job well done. 
On the first morning we arrived promptly at 8:00 to a church family ready to go door to door to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Darwin,  24 years old, was the pastor of Luz y Agua Baptist Church.  This is a sister church to Pastor G.  Darwin had several members from his church available to serve beside the North American Christians.  I was extremely excited to have Pastor G's wife, Iris, going out as one of the  Honduran volunteers.  Also a young man named Martez, another older gentleman named Jose, another young man named Gorge, another gentleman named Mario and a young lady named Cindy gave of there time to assist in taking the four groups throughout the community. The four groups started out each morning together sharing a devotional, sharing pray requests and starting their day in prayer.  Thank you God for providing just the right people for this week of evangelising.  God is good all the time.

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