Monday, June 9, 2014

The Hospitalityand VBS in Santa Cruz


Each day the team would arrive back at noon for lunch which one day they enjoyed a delicious seafood plate.  The ladies of the church prepared them a beautiful table where they sat and dined and relaxed after their morning of door to door evangelism.  After lunch they headed to the church for VBS.  This team breaks up into four stations for VBS.  They all meet in a large group with a puppet show .  They break up into four groups for soccer, crafts, singing and the bible story.  The VBS averaged up to 145 by day three.  This helps with the crowd control of the two hour VBS.  Of course the children are always a delight to watch as they share the puppet show.  One day they did "The Lost Sheep".  The translators were practicing their bleating like a sheep until they got it just right.  Once again we are very blessed to have such amazing translators who adjust and do whatever it takes to get the job done. One day they did Esther the Queen.  The team brings in clothes for their puppets to switch them out according to the skits.  Mr. Mike and Steven made the puppet stage for the puppet show.  Everyone pitches in to make VBS a success for the children.  The first day they had maybe 50 children but after the puppet show the word spreads and on the last day of VBS like I said there was 145 children who heard the gospel through a puppet show.  This will be a lasting memory for all who got to experience and hopefully one day will lead a child to Christ or even their parents.  Thank you Antioch for putting such effort and energy in preparing the gospel for these lovely people.
"Train up a child in the way they should go and when he is old he will not stray from it."
Proverbs 22:6

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