Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Three churches become one

As the week progressed the three churches became one family. I always enjoy seeing how God works and uses people from different ages and walks of life.  The ages on this team ranged from 18 to 66. Each team member became one this week in the Lord.  I enjoyed watching them all work on different projects.  Dianna hooked up with Pastor Trey who she had met at the Raleigh Durham airport one day earlier.  Rex worked beside of William and Mack who he had recently met at the airport.  Lauren came along with Rex and Carol who find new friends in Christ very quickly.  This predestined team produced and formed only by our Lord and Savior enjoyed their week building the home. Also thank you to Reggie, team leader who never gave up on who God was going to place on this very special project.  God is always in control when we allow Him to do His kingdom work. 
The ladies of the community had a difficult but necessary job for the construction of the home.  They walked over to a nearby well to bring back the water needed to mix the mescal.  For some reason this week Carlos and Glenda's well was very low.  No problem, the ladies kept the water coming throughout the entire week.  Mike and I were leaving the job site one morning to greet a line of children bringing their families corn meal for tortillas and water for cooking and cleaning.  Some of them were still in their school uniforms from their morning classes.  The children in Honduras start very young working and helping their families with daily chores. 
Glenda's mother enjoyed each and every day as she assisted and watched her daughter's home going up.  She was always generous with a delicious cup of black coffee with sugar on a daily basis.  The Honduran hospitality is always a joy to witness and to receive. 
Betty Lynn's devotional touched on this entire week.  Live our life for God's purpose.  He will never forsake us and HIS LIFE is our purpose. This team as Betty Lynn shared was patient and waited on God to lead their daily steps on this home.  She shared some great scripture on several questions we ask ourselves when living for Christ.
(1) What does He want us to do?
"So whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31
(2) When does He want us to do it?
"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
(3) Why do we do it?
"The Son is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation. For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through Him and for Him.  He is before all things and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church, He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy.  For God was pleased to have His fullness dwell in Him and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood shed on the cross."
Colossians 1:15-20

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