Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Preparation nightly for VBS

Pastor John, team leader gathered the entire team nightly to help the ladies prepare for the Vacation Bible School  materials for the children.  Vacation Bible School consisted of three to four stations dividing the children into smaller groups.  This concept works really great especially when you are doing Vacation Bible School under mango trees and the cow pasture.  The first lesson was on God's creation and they created their very own flower.  As some where making their flowers others were coloring a picture of God's creation and others were either jumping rope or blowing bubbles.  The bible story always went at the beginning after the children sang numerous songs with Maida, our translator.  They enjoyed the chicken dance as all the children do in Honduras.  Here in Honduras it is called "El Pollo".  It is a little different from the North American version.  They got to make a salvation necklace which the children wore proudly throughout the rest of the week.  The ladies had the children make a mobile which each and every one of them turned out perfectly beautiful.  The ladies had an awesome idea.  They brought flat sheets for the children to sit on as they worked.  Each children took off their flip flops before sitting on the sheet so as not to get the sheet dirty.  The children took great pride in their things as well as the teams' belongings.  They averaged 60 to 80 children daily.  The ladies did an amazing job balancing their painting in the morning and getting set up for Vacation Bible School in the afternoon.  Vacation Bible School ran around two hours daily.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

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