Tuesday, November 12, 2013

And it just gets better

As the week progressed Pastor David had a burden on his heart to reach out to the men of this village like Emily, Nelda, Karen and Penny had done with the ladies.  The morning we arrived to put the roof and floor on Pastor David with the help of Meida talked to Pastor G about gathering the men who helped build the home and share the gospel with them.  So while waiting for the soup to finish Pastor G gathered everyone around in a circle and gave out spiritual tracks to everyone who was there.  Men and women alike joined the circle to hear the "Good News".  Pastor David shared his desire for them to know Christ as he did and to spend eternity in Heaven.  After Pastor David finished Pastor G shared his desire for them as well to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  He shared how he wanted to help them develop a church in their community and hopefully send Arielle out there three times a week to minister to them spiritually.   The silence which surrounded under those trees this day was priceless.  You could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit amongst us.  There was one time a swift breeze came through as Pastor G was sharing from his heart about salvation.  Salvation is for all who choose to receive.  Several men claimed Christ as their Savior.  Amen. But there was several who did not and we ask you to pray along with us here they will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  This is the most important decision we all will ever make.  This decision decides where we spend eternity.  If you are reading this today and do not know Jesus Christ as  your Lord and Savior, I pray you will make the most important decision of your life - TODAY.  Tomorrow may be too late.  Thank you God for placing this desire on Pastor David's heart to reach out to the men of this community.  This construction team did more than build a house.  They help start kingdom work here in Las Cabasas.  Pray for the future of this village and their walk with Jesus Christ. 
The Roman Road
(1)Romans 3:10 - All have sinned.
(2)Romans 3:23 - All have sinned.
(3) Romans 5:12 - Sins penalty
(4)Romans 6:23 - Sins penalty
(5) Romans 5:8 - Christ paid the penalty
(6) Romans 10:9-10  - Salvation through faith
(7) Romans 10:13 - Salvation through faith
If you do not know Christ please read the Roman Road Scripture to Salvation.  We can all be saved by God's precious Son's blood on the cross.  And all God's people said AMEN!!!!

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