The team of four Jan, Diane, Brian and Mark arrived early to get started on their balloon animasl. The children started arriving curious of what was going on the left corner of the sanctuary. These North Americans were doing something interesting with balloons. Jan shared with them in her Spanish she taught herself before coming to Honduras she was making bumble bees and butterflies. The children joined in on the fun. During VBS you would hear pop and then another pop. But for every pop you heard Jan was making a replacement for the one which got popped. She did this with joy in her heart and a smile on her face. Jesus raditated for this young lady as she led her very first VBS. Jan you did an amazing job and I know God is so proud of you and your willingness to get out of your comfort zone and do something for the first time and in another language. Well done good and faithful servant.
As the balloon animals were being created over in the left corner, Gloria and her daughter were singing Christian music in English. The next thing I knew Jan joins in with them singing "Shout to the Lord" as I sat there and cried alligator tears. This song always makes me think of my girls growing up singing this to the top of their lungs. Happy Mother's Day to me. What a beautiful God moment how I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in this place while they were singing this beautiful song in our native language, English. Gloria took the time to learn this song and to sing it for us. But the most beautiful part was when Jan walked over while still making balloon animals and started singing with her. Thank you God for times such as these.
Meida opened the VBS with a prayer and led them in some bible songs, Jesus Loves Me, Father Abraham and Praise the Lord. The children were most respectful to their new found friends. They knew the songs but learned how to sing Jesus Loves Me in Sign language. They already knew in English. After the singing they all sat still as Jan brought the bible story with enthusiasm and excitement. She shared the story of God creating the animals. She shared how much God loves us and the animals He makes. She asked them to name some of the animals God made in Honduras and then Jan shared about some of the animals God made in the United States. All of them were created by God. How amazing how many different animals is apart of God's creation.
They broke up into different stations one being face painting. Diane, Ginger and Moses enjoyed painting crosses and hearts on the faces of these little darlings. I got blessed to paint a heart on a little girl names Stephanie which is also my daughter's name. So I hear a special song and now meet a Stephanie all within a hour of each other. As I painted their faces I lifted them up in prayer to the Lord. My prayers were all would come to know Christ if they did not already know HIM.
There was coloring pages of different animals God created. Brian and Mark took some boys outside to play soccer and football. As time was drawing near to depart and go back to Ava's home Meida gathered all the children together and got them quiet which a huge task to undertake. They were holding animal balloons and painted faces. So there was a little excitement in the air. But Meida always does her job very well. She brought them back into a quiet mode while Mark got before them to share the story of Jesus love for them. Mark prayed for them as our time came to a close. The team gave each child a sticker and a big smile as they exited the church building. j As they were leaving some of these sweeties said thank you in English as they headed home. Thank you God for an amazing VBS.
Genesis 1:25-26
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