Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pastors, prayer, perfection and presentation

The first block is always special in many ways.  First and fore most we present it to Jesus Christ through prayer.  But standing back watching Pastor G watch Pastor Darwin get that first block just right after the prayer was precious.  The block had to be placed perfectly for the rest of the blocks to follow in behind it.  Pastor Darwin is around 22 or 23 years old and has been mentored by Pastor G to shepherd the flock of Luz y Vida Ingelsia.  Pastor Darwin is a strong godly young man who sets the example for all of us as Christians.  He has the respect of all ages in the church.  Just as the first block has to be just right and in place so must we as Christians.  We should have our lives in line first with God's living word.  God's word should reflect our daily walk with Him just as we saw in our young Pastor Darwin.  He was there everyday working along beside us as well as many young people of the church.  What a beautiful testimony for us this week.  Thank you Luz y Viva church family for working along beside us to glorify our Lord and Savior. One evening Bud share a devotional on using our spiritual gifts with love in a Christ-like attitude.  We all saw this in the Hondurans as well as the North Americans this past week.  A start to a beautiful week.
"The Parable of the Bag of Gold"
Our Spiritual Talents
Matthew 25:14
I Corinthians 13
The Book of Love
Christ-Like Attitude
Philippians 2:5-11

1 comment:

  1. Oh I praise God for Pastor G's mentoring! Dear Jesus,bless this young pastor as he serves you in this church!
