Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Three Part House Blessing

On day of dedication the team brought a little something special to the family.  It is called a three part blessing.  First of all Mark shared a few words and allowed others to share.  He present them with a bible and their key to their new home.  Kim, Mark's wife presented the family three gifts similar to what the Wise men did.
The Three Part House Blessing
Bread represented that you will remember that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God.
Salt represented to remind us that you are the salt of the earth, the witness in this community.
Water represented the reminder of you are to thirst after Christ and may you be blessed with many baptisms.
After Kim shared the Three Part House Blessing the team gathered around the house to pray while hands touched the blocks.  A neighbor came up about this time praising the Lord for Pastor Isaiah moving into this community.  He wants to work beside Pastor Isaiah to bring the lost to Christ. What a beautiful way to end a most beautiful week. 

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