Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dr Brenda's healing room

As I walked from room to room observing everyone busy at work getting their rooms ready I noticed a picture hanging up on the wall of the room Dr. Brenda had chosen.  It was the story of the friends who took a very sick friend to see Jesus.  The house where Jesus was sharing the gospel was full of people listening to all Jesus had to say.  The determined friends wanted their friend to be healed by Jesus.  They climbed to the top of the roof of the house where Jesus was speaking and opened up the roof to lower their friend down in front of Jesus, the Great Physician. 
These men went to a lot of trouble that day to help their friend.  They did not let any obstacles get in their way.  They were determined to get their friend to Jesus no matter the cost.  As I watched the week unfold in this little community church I saw North Americans and Hondurans go to any lengths to help those in need.  We had numerous God moments similar to the bible story above.
Tiffany on the very first day met a new found friend named Santos who was eighty three years old and she helped him get registered but Tiffany did not stop there she took him to where he needed to go to see a doctor and took him to the pharmacy to help him receive his medicine.  During this process Tiffany had a tugged at her heart, God saying pray with this man.  Encourage this man through praying Tiffany. Tiffany grabbed Maida and ask her to translate as she prayed with her new friend, Santos.
I am very sad I do not have this picture of Orin carrying a little girl home after the medical team started treatment number one of many more treatments to follow on her foot.  Her foot got infected due to a bite.  She could not walk after the procedure so please envision a huge giant of a guy carrying a little girl through her village to her home.  Maida followed along to make sure she got to the correct stick and mud home.  Orin placed her down in a hammock as he slowly walked out feeling humbled by his experience. The little girl, Marlan thanked Orin for helping her home.
Paul had many jobs this week and one was keeping Marlan, little girl with infected foot from crying during her procedure.  Paul had the perfect demeanor for this little girl.  His soft gentle voice soothed her as the team worked on her infectious foot.
Several team members made a home visit not to provide medical care but to provide encouragement, spiritual encouragement.  A week earlier the mother of this thatched house died after two year battle with an injured hip and leg.  Two years prior to coming here to Honduras, team leader Bill and some other staff from Campbell came down and got to meet this lady who had been hit by a orange school bus and was left for dead.  Somehow she made it home.  The accident was in January and Bill met her in March where she had received very little medical care.  Long story short the lady never walked again.  So Bill and several of the team members with the help of Maida the translator went to the home to visit the father and children.  The husband and father with tears running down his cheek thanked them for coming to his home.  The husband and  father shared how hard the last two years had been  for everyone.  The team prayed for the family and cried tears of sadness with the family.  The husband and father were humbled they came to pay their respect for the family.   
This team was more than a medical team.  Thank you for taking time for this hurting family.
Matt from Physical Therapy shared he taught a gentleman a simple exercise to prevent leg cramps at night when he went to bed.  The man came back the next day full of joy and shared with Matt he slept for the first time without any leg cramps.  A simple act of service for the Lord. 
Stephen, physical therapist, spoken ninety percent broken Spanish with Ezekiel.  But the most important conversation of all was when Ezekiel asked Stephen was he a Christian.  What an amazing and bold question for a person to ask you.  But do we do this ourselves.  The most important question you could ask someone is about their salvation.  How many times do we loose the opportunity to find out about a friend, a co-worker, a neighbor or even a family member if they know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  This conversation with Ezekiel  gave Stephen a blessed experience. 
There was many more stories just like these..  This was so much more than a medical team this week.  Jesus was at working healing more than physical ailments this week.
Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on.
Mark 2:4

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