Saturday, March 14, 2015

First day was worship

The team arrived on a Saturday so their first visit to the job site was church on Sunday morning. We arrived promptly at 9:00 AM for worship.  Those of you reading this and have been to Honduras church does not start until all have arrived.  So the team went to check out where the medical clinic was going.  Pastor Santiago, our housekeeper, Rosa's brother met us with open arms to show us where they could sit up the medical clinic.  All the Sunday School classrooms were cleaned and ready to be used for all medical needs  The sanctuary would be the waiting room for all the patients coming in for medical care.  Registration would be held as you entered the church doors.
Before arriving to Honduras, team leader Bill, asked Orin if he would preach on Sunday morning.  He said he would be honored to share the love of Christ with others.  He said this was his passion talking about Jesus.  He shared with me his preaching style and I said no problem my brother, "preach the word" would be awesome for all of us!!!!!  That he did.  He had a captive audience as Maida tried to keep up with his excitement for Jesus through his message out of John 4:3-30.  This was the story of the woman at the well and Jesus asking her for a drink of water.  Orin titled his sermon "When the Loaded Jesus Closes the Distance"  In life we plan, pack and prepare for any task at hand.  In this story of John 4 Jesus had prepared himself spiritually for the task at hand at the well.  Jesus was a carpenter by trade so he knew to carry his tool belt for his work.  He knew what tools to carry with him as he approached the woman at the well.  Are we prepared for life's work with the right spiritual tools for the task ahead of us?  Jesus arrived at the well knowing the time the woman would arrive at the well. He knew all the details of this woman. Jesus knew she was searching for something as he proceeded to ask her for a drink of water from the well.  This was not any well, this  was Jacob's Well.   Jesus asked her if she wanted to receive the "Living Water" only God can give her this "Living Water".  She said who are you and what do you mean?  The "Living Water" is purifying and refreshing as is the physical water. But the "Living Water" is the only water which provides eternal life.  A life of freedom of all our sins.  This woman had lived a very hard life with many different husbands.  Jesus shared how she could have release from her past and live a new purifying life through  the "Living Water".  The beauty of this story is Jesus did not judge the woman for who she was but offered her the free gift of eternal life by cleansing of her heart. The woman must receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior to have a cleansed heart, a heart which pure and refreshed.  A life full of new beginnings.  She knew Jesus was the Messiah because HE knew all about her.  Once she received the "Living Water" Jesus told her to go tell others of her new life in Christ.  The woman scurried off to the town and told all she saw about the man named Jesus who knew all about her and her past.  How she had received the "Living Water" and was made whole and her past was forgiven and forgotten.  Do you know this Jesus who was at the well that day?  The Jesus who died for our sins so we can have eternal life through HIS blood that was shed on the cross but only to be buried in a tomb to arise on the third day to leave behind an empty tomb.  I pray if you have read this today and you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior please do not let this day go by without receiving the sweetest gift of all, JESUS.  Tomorrow may be too late.
John 4:3-30

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