Saturday, March 14, 2015

Physical Therapy

We would like to welcome our first Physical Therapy team to Honduras through North Carolina Baptist Men.  Stephen and Matt took off of work to come along side the two Campbell Medical School ladies, Brittany and Sara.  The second evening of God moments one of the ladies shared how they did not know coming in how much use they would be to the medical team.  After the second day at the clinic they realized God had called them to assist in what they do best, Physical Therapy.  Sara shared one day while working on a patient she knew going in she wanted to be a Physical Therapist.  This week confirmed this for her.  Brittany brought something extra to the Physical Therapy team, Spanish.  Brittany was their translator during the week.  There was only a couple of times they needed Maida to come assist them.  One of the times is in the above video when their new friend, Juan, could not understand the proper way of picking up a bucket.  They ladies and Matt taught him the correct way of lifting something off the floor.  Juan job is lifting tires daily.  He had severe lower back pain from the lifting.  The team gave him some exercises to do to help with the pain but also showed him the proper way to lift the tires by using a bucket.  This is all they had close by to use for the demonstration. 
Also the team had a friend named Santos who came daily to let them serve  him.  Santos was eighty three years old and was hit by a car a year ago.  He had damaged to his foot.  The team worked on his foot daily and helped bring the swelling down.  On the last day they shared with him how improved his foot was and how they were proud of his progress.  Brittany and Sara asked him how did he feel and he showed them his shoulder was hurting.  The ladies were able to help him one last time.  I know Santos will remember these four special people for a very long time.  They made a big difference in his life physically and spiritually.  One of his visits the ladies prayed with Santos. 
Matt had a patient come with cramps in his legs.  Matt showed him some exercises to do in the evening to help him.  The very next day the gentleman came back to tell Matt how well he slept and there was not any cramps in his legs.  Each team member who observed the Physical Therapy group shared how much they learned from their short observations.  
Thank you Physical Therapy Team for sharing with us and the people of Honduras your many gifts. 
God knew what he was doing when He had you come with the medical team.  Your assistance helped fifty two plus people who hopefully will go and teach others what they learned from their visit with you all.  
Brittany and Sara had devotionals on the last night.  They shared how Ezekiel  ask them to go back to the mission house and read Matthew 25:31-46.  He shared please read this twice.  Once the ladies read this it simply gave them chills about the entire week.  When the ladies read verse 45 and read it twice Ezekiel shared with them this is what you did this week.  You helped the least of these and God was well pleased.  This is why the ladies place here was so important.  They learned they were here serving God and not man.  They were obedient to their calling to come to Honduras and others as well as themselves were truly blessed. 
 He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
Matthew 25:45

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