Monday, September 16, 2019

Choked Blocksaw

I truly enjoyed it when Mike has friends who come to visit him here and they are so well bounded they can have a intense discussion about a choked block saw.  Yes, really, a discussion about a block saw which now I am not sure which of these two fellows even choked it.  They discussed and then Brian once it got started did the Tim Allen grunt as he finally got it up and running for another day's work on the project.  Mike had so much fun with all you guys this week.  The time you all spent learning about Monte De Horeb and what all this ministry definitely means to Mike and I.  I am grateful for the laughter you all brought him not just a couple of times throughout the week but all week long.  How special you were to us when we got the news of Mike's mother. I could not think of anyone we could have been so blessed with during this difficult time than each of you.  God's timing is so perfect to have you all here at this time and place along side of us.  God is so good all the time and all the time God is so good.

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