Friday, March 19, 2021

Disaster Relief in Honduras

 Mike's many years of disaster relief truly paid off this week in Fray Lazarus.  When we arrived the first day there sat this forty year old tree laid over on the back side of the property. Of course Mike's disaster relief blood kicked in and said on the second day he was going to take the chain saw out to the project to see what he could do to clean up the property for Dimas and his family.  Mike shared with Pastor Carlos he would not take away from the construction of the home.  Pastor Carlos said, "No problem"  Two famous words which part Pastor Carlos' lips quiet often with us and our North American families who could here to serve beside us.  In other words it is not eternal.  
Mike did cause one small problem and it was not any doings of Mike but his project caught a lot of attention.  There was a lot of on lookers from the construction of the home.  The mescal crew was on a fast and steady roll of getting mescal to the block layers until Mike cranked up the chain saw and started cutting.  I got tickled at Cristian especially, he literally quit mixing the mescal because he was so in awe of what Mike was doing and as I type this I realize maybe just maybe he had not ever seen a chain saw or a North American man cutting down a tree.  His only knowledge is using a machete and that would have taken this dear family years to get this tree taken off the property. 
Leon decided this was the job for him once Mike started cutting and moving limbs.  Leon also saw the need to pick up the trash laying around the grounds of the property.  Thank you Leon for teaching humbly how to keep your property clean without words, only your servant actions were enough.  Here comes Meida to help Leon move the limbs to an embankment behind the property.  All morning the three of them worked very hard and decided the next day to bring rakes to clean up the small debris they could not carry off by hand.  Somehow the next day they never got to rake because Mike got deeper into his project when O'Neal came over sharing with Mike he wanted planks made out of the tree to put up dividers in his home and his mother and father's home.  So Mike started yet another project as Leon was right by his side along with Hydel.  This was quiet the tedious job but with God's help Mike, Leon and Hydel got a lot of it cut this day, but did not get to the raking.  We arrived the next morning to start again and clean up around the debris with the rakes we brought the day before to see Dimas Jr. O'Neal and Cristian had already removed all the trash and had raked up the debris.  God is so good and all the time God is so good!!!!  This sweet and giving family with all they have give it their all for their parents.  I shared with Bartola how special her family was and how they are a very strong family unit.  She shared back she was so blessed to have good children.  Out of that wood cutting came some seats and benches as well.  O'Neal was so thankful to Mike, Leon and Meida, along with Hydel once in a while for all they did in this corner which now is 100% improved than before.

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