Friday, March 19, 2021

What a Week

 Once again unless you come here smell, taste, feel, hear and see the beauty of this day words and pictures will not do it any justice.  How was your mission trip I'm sure Jared and Leon were asked?  How can you even explain this huge God moment which unfolded as Jared started out with saying: "This week has been such a blessing and humbling experience.  Your family has so much love for one another and the bond that you all shared is inspiring and is encouraging for me to take home.  We have been blessed by having this opportunity to work beside each man and having incredible food prepared daily by the ladies!  This week will stay with us for the remaining of our lives and is a reminder of why we will continue to serve our Lord and Savior.  Thank you for letting us be apart of your family and this week we felt like just that, apart of you family.  We will continue to pray for Senor Dimas and all of you and do our best to tell our family and friends what wonderful people you are, but it will not be even close to how we feel because of our time together.  WE love ya'll and hope this home will continue to bring many more wonderful memories for this beautiful family."  As I looked around there was very few dry eyes.  Poor Dimas Jr. was crying terribly.  I just wanted to go and hug him.  He was so very grateful for this day.  Next Leon stepped up and presented the Bible to the family.  Leon quoted: "This home will provide your physcial protection and this Bible will provide your spiritual protection and guidance.  Also I want to thank this family for allowing us to spend the week with them and we thank you for sharing your love, hospitality and laughter.  We will never forget you and God bless.  Pastor Pedro was up next to pray over the home and to share a few words of gratitude for this gift from God. He shared as always he was very content with this moment and time.  God ordained this day to take place all because of two women at work one day met because the other asked the other why she was crying.  You see Marie, Pastor Pedro's wife works in the shrimp industry packing shrimp to send to the states along with Bartola.  Bartola was sitting I suppose during lunch crying.  Marie walked up to her being the compassionate lady she is and asked this stranger why was she crying.  Bartola proceeded to explain their home was falling in and her husband was very sick.  She asked Marie do you not know some people who build homes for people who are in need.  Marie I'm sure smiled and said why yes I do.  Marie shared with Bartolo she will need photos of her home to show her husband, Pastor Pedro, so he can present them to a couple named Mike and Ginger.  This was a year ago and God said it was time to build this home.  When we started assessing for the spring we went to several places one day with Pastor Carlos with all these requests for homes finding out several didn't have their foundations ready yet so we had to move on to other projects.  At this time we did not know where Jared was going to be working until for some reason Pastor Carlos said we need to pick up Pastor Pedro.  Mike and I had no idea what this was about.  So we went to where we needed to pick up Pastor Pedro and Pastor Carlos told Mike he needed to go to a place called Fray Lazarus.  So Mike followed Pastor Carlos' lead.  When we arrived at this little peace of heaven we knew this was Jared's project location.  We knew this family needed a home immediately.  We get numerous requests every week.  Until we go to see the family all this is to me is a piece of paper with information on it.  It becomes very real once Mike and I arrive at the location and tell a family they are receiving a home.  This is my favorite part of serving my Lord in Honduras.  Praise God for Marie reaching out to a hurting co-worker who shared her life with her.  After Pastor Pedro finished Marie wanted to say a few words which basically said she knew Mike and Ginger one day would answer her prayers to God about Bartola and she had faith in God all in His timing.  Bartola  then tried to share words of gratitude with tears flowing.  Each family member said thank you for this gift from God. 
Pastor Pedro presented her with the key to her home and said to her may this key provide all the physical protection for you and your family for the first time in 28 years.  They have a front door with a lock and key.  It was sweet watching her trying to unlock her new home.  I'm not sure if it was from pure blessings but her sweet hard working hands were trembling.  She invited everyone into her new home as Pastor Pedro continue with the dedication.  He had the family stand around the cross Mike, Jared and Leon built out of the tree lumber.  He shared this cross is why we are here today.  Jesus died on a cross for my sins and your sins.  Pastor Pedro said the only way this cross will mean anything to you is if you have a personal relationship with Jesus.  Then we sang some songs, "How Great Thou Art" and "I Praise the Lord".  Pastor Pedro then preached a phenomenal sermon on Matthew 7:24-28 "The Wise and Foolish Builders".  He asked them what foundation do you stand on today?  Wow Pastor Pedro did a phenomenal job presenting the gospel.  I asked him the day before was his friend Dimas a believer in Jesus Christ.  He said he knows who he but I don't think he knows Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior.  So Pastor Pedro offered an invitation to anyone who does not know this man who is a believer's foundation, their Rock and their Salvation. We as Christians do not ever need to take for granted just because someone may have head knowledge of God and His Son they truly know HIM.  There is a question asked down here a lot, "If you were to die today would you know where you are going?"  So I am asking today who are all who is reading this, "Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior with an intimate and personal relationship?"  As we closed we all left to go up the hill to let Dimas share a few words.  Praise God he was able to stand up and get a picture made with his beautiful family.  Once again very few dry eyes as Dimas shared with a very strong voice and excitement in his voice, "I give God all the glory for this home, Thank you Pastor Pedro for your dedication and your friendship to me and my family, thank you Pastor Carlos and Hondurans for working beside my children to get this home built this week and thank you North Americans for coming and working beside my family."  What a perfect ending to an precious week.
Thank you Steele Creek  Presbyterian Church at Pleasant Hill for your prayers and your sponsorship during this week. 

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