Friday, March 19, 2021

Preparing the Cornerstones of the Home

 This phase of the project has become a big part of the morning for me.  As I sat back and watch how meticulous these gentlemen are about getting this just right so the first block will be laid correctly it takes me back to the Bible and how Jesus is our Cornerstone.  In building this home the chief or head cornerstone is placed between where two of the walls of the home will go as the week progresses.  This cornerstone or block Pastor Carlos lays first will hold the entire home together and secure.  It is the rock or here the block which holds the whole structure in place.  It is the cornerstone.  The Bible says how Jesus Christ is our Chief Cornerstone of our faith.  As Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone, HE ensures the stability of the whole system of  our salvation.  Jesus was and is the only plan of salvation. There is so many times here in Honduras the Bible is truly lived out and this moment of the week is always one of them.  I pray today whoever is reading this Jesus is your Chief Cornerstone, He is the Rock that holds your life together.  He is the peace, joy and contentment only He can provide.  I pray today if you do not know the Chief Cornerstone today you will decide to receive His free gift of salvation and eternal life.

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