There was quiet a few young men on the job site this week. The first couple of days they were intrigued by what was unfolding before their eyes. Several of them climbed up into the mango tree and observed what was happening to their school. Then after a while they started finding jobs they could do to help improve their school. They moved rocks, they carried mescal and sifted sand for the mescal. They helped clean up the grounds and they also had to do their own chores at home before helping at the school. One little boy went by every day to take his mother's corn to get made into tortilla dough for their meals for the day. They enjoyed watching and learning so many different trades on this project. One young man helped Mike on the roof the entire time learning how to use a drill and helping get the tin up to Mike so he can drill it into place. All of these children were willing to do whatever to help get this job done. Their work ethics was a breath of fresh air. They took pride in their work for their school.
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