Sunday, July 4, 2021

An Amazing Home Dedication


Congratulations to Senor Rene, his wife, Santos Mandarina, their four children, Brenda, Cinthia, Rene Alejandro and Carmen Alicia on their new home.  We gathered together to share in this special moment with seven special people, Tammy, Becky, Cassie, Maria, Kayla, Tyler and Eddie. While waiting for Brenda to go get Cinthia at work Tammy and Pastor Carlos sang the chorus to "Victory In Jesus".  Everyone on this project should be proud of a job well done but then they come on board with an amazing home dedication which they all worked very hard on prior to Saturday evening. Maria started out before she thanked them for allowing us to work beside them this week, she went to each lady in the family and gave them a hug and she shook the hands of the men of the home. Maria then thanked them for everything their hospitality with homemade chicken soup and their kindness all week.  As she began to pray she ended up her prayer with the Lord's Prayer.  This was a first for the Lord's Prayer being recited at a home dedication which I am aware of.  Beautifully done Maria.

Kayla and Tyler worked and prepared their Bible presentation to be done in Spanish.  We had a visitor today who use to help us with translating until he became a Honduran police.  Mike asked him could he understand what Kayla and Tyler were saying.  He said, "Yes sir".  Meida was taken back by how well they prepared their part in Spanish.  Kayla first read Matthew 7:24-27 in English and Meida read it in Spanish.  
"Jesus nos ensena la imporancia de constuir tu casa sobre tierra firme.  Aforma que que aquellas que escuehan sus palabras y siguen sus instrucciones son constructores sabios.  La Casa que estamos construyendo simboliza nuestras vidas.  La Casa representa nuestra fe.  Neestras relaciones y nuestra salud. Observe que toda la casa descansa sobre una base solida, no solo unas pocas piezas.
Apprender y aplica la palabra de Dios es algo que cualquiera puede hacer, pero requiere pracica y esfuerzo.  Como no recuerda mateo siete es la diferencia entre una vida que se mantiene firme y una que cae.  No hay comparacion entre una vida fundada en la plaabra de Dios y una vida sin ella. La presentamos esta Biblia para que pueda practicar las ensenanzas de Mateo siete.  Wue el fundamento de su santa palabra sea simpre port de tu hogar.  After all that was said and everyone was beyond humbled with what just happened by two young people from North America Kayla presented the Bible to Senor Rene.
Becky approached the family with words of gratitude for allowing her team to join them this week and build their new home.  Thanks was shared as well for all they did for each North American team member.  She told them the key was a sign of protection from the outside world.  But their real protection comes from God our Father which is why we were all here this week to serve our Lord and Savior.  At this time Becky with her beautiful smile presented the key to Senor Rene.

Tammy was asked to pray over the home.  But prior to praying over the home Tammy picked up to stones off the ground around the home.  As Tammy approached the family the Holy Spirit moved in this place.  I honestly can not do justice to the words which parted Tammy's lip this beautiful Saturday morning in Pavana.  But here is my best shot.  Tammy took the rocks in her hand and shared with the family Jesus Christ is our Rock as believers.  A home which is what we all built this week is temporal.  But Jesus Christ is where our eternal home lies for all of us who believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  Tammy asked everyone to join her as she completed the home dedication with a prayer to seal the home in the name of Jesus. Each one of us laid our hands on the home as Tammy closed out the service.  After the prayer Senor Rene tried to open his new home but was having a very hard time getting the key to go into the lock.  Please understand this is the very first time this family has had a lock on their home.  Just think about this for a minute.  Things we all take for granted.  Mike assisted him and he finally was able to open up his new home, his dream come true, his mansion.  They all entered their home and asked all of us to please join them.  

As we each entered their new home Tammy and Pastor Carlos opened up with "Victory in Jesus" chorus one more time.  Senor Rene looked over at Pastor Carlos and asked him to please also pray over his new home.  So Pastor Carlos closed out our day with prayer and the team enjoyed their family for a few more minutes as all good things have to come to an end.  But this will be a day all of these people, Honduran and North Americans will always remember.

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