Sunday, July 4, 2021

Medical Team

 The behind the scenes of the medical clinic I shared in the first blog write up.  God decided HE did not want the medical supplies the North American team had packed up and prepared to bring down to Honduras.  Thank you to Mt. Moriah Baptist Church who sponsored all the efforts for this to happen and they continue to sponsor the new way we are going to do medical clinics from here on out.  If anyone brings anything into the country it has to be approved and we definitely honor and respect this totally.  We as a ministry want to do what is correct as visitors in this country.  We found out in the late afternoon of Friday prior to the team coming in on Monday they could not bring their medicines or other items into the country.  They were only to bring exactly what they needed individually to make it a smooth transition entering into the country.  So Mike and I had to go quickly to plan B which was picking up Meida at six a.m. on Saturday morning and asking the doctors who we were going to work with what meds do they need to at least get them started.  Long story short Meida got all the medicines on the North American list and what the doctors wanted.  It took her Saturday morning and all day Monday to make this happen for the medical team.  She delivered the medicines to the campus around 3:30 Monday afternoon.  The team arrived around four to all the medicines they needed for the week. As some of the medical team shared we are also helping with the economy when we buy the medicines in country.  So my take away from the above is God's plan was not our plan and God provided all we needed for the week to help this country we all have come to love this week.

Now to share about all the beautiful things which took place this week at Monte de Horeb Ministries first medical team which consisted of several different churches who came together to help our friends in Pavana.  Pavana is Monte de Horeb Ministries neighboring community.  We have been bless to be their neighbors for six years now.  The team arrived early on Tuesday morning awaiting a long line of folks eagerly awaiting to see a doctor.  A lot of the people here in Pavana cannot afford health care so this was a huge opportunity for them to see a doctor and hopefully get some relief for whatever was going on in their lives.  The North American medical team entered the church to meet two awesome doctors Dr. Henry and Dr. Guadalupe.  Also Maynard their translator for the week.  God bless this team with a fourteen year old young man who spoke fluent English and he assisted them all week as well.  Edwin a church member was there to greet the team.  We all circled up and introduced each other and Matt, the pharmacist on the team prayed for our first day with these beautiful people.  After their pray they began transforming the church sanctuary into a medical clinic.  After about an hour they were ready to start serving the Honduran people who came this first day.  We learned much later some of these people were not from Pavana.  There is a bus which comes out of the mountains above Monte de Horeb once a day and goes back up once a day.  Mike and I saw some of the patients from the clinic jump on the bus in the afternoon to head back home.  There was a lot of folks who walked miles to get good health care from this North American Medical team.  And this week is what all 450 plus patients received.  As I listened each evening to some of the medical teams God moments I saw the compassion overflowing in these North Americans as they shared their stories.  How blessed they were to be here and make a very small difference in the lives of these Honduran people.  They were more blessed than the Hondurans were as Jessica shared one evening.  Danielle shared how appreciative all of these people were as they waited for hours to be seen and if for some reason this medical team could not meet their physical needs Danielle shared "they simply said thank you for all you did for me."  They were so appreciative of any service they received.  Some of the team members Matt and Jenny prayed over so many patients this week because they could not meet a physical need but they could spiritually encourage them as they prayed for their lives.  Lynn and Jessica cleaned a lot of feet this week, similar to washing the disciples feet in the Bible.  Lynn used her best resources and borrowed some pilla soap to clean some of the feet which were infected.  Jessica helped Dr. Henry with so many surgical procedures and she shared how much she learned from Dr. Henry and how he serves his people.  As well as feet cleaning there was a lot of ear cleaning in the medical clinic.  While all this was going on in the clinic the pharmacy was busily filling numerous prescriptions all day long.  The first day they saw 120 patients.  I shared how they were lined up out the door at eight o'clock this morning.  It stayed this way all day long.  Mateo was grateful for Brenda who stayed by his side all week and for our dear sweet Meida who explained to 450 patients how to use their medication.  Danielle and Jessica always made their way to the pharmacy when they were not busy to help with the back log of prescriptions.  Danielle was in triage with Maynard so she got finished at two every day and helped in the pharmacy.  This team of seven worked so hard this week serving 450 plus patients and Jenny got the opportunity to share the creation story the last three days with about 90 different children. Andres the fourteen year old assisted her with her mini VBS group.  Sybille would go and assist Jenny with the children each day which is actually what both ladies do back home in with their church family children.

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