Thursday, July 22, 2021

Worship on Sunday Under the Mango Trees

Hallelujah praise God we finally got to go to a worship service at Cerro Mararan up near the school we repaired.  Two months ago we repaired the community school and were introduced to these precious people and found out O'Nil, one of our staff is the mayor here.  Mike, Ron, Gorden John Scott and I adventured up the rocky path to the most amazing blessing we could have ever asked for on this side of Heaven.  We got there at 1:30 and Pastor Carlos and his mother church had not arrived.  So we all got treated with a hot cup of coffee with rosquias which is a hard shell with cinnamon or with cheese in the middle.  The gentleman sitting with the guitar named Marcos starting singing different types of Christian music and accompanying it with the guitar.  We got blessed long before the worship service even started.  I happen to look up and two truck loads of people came over the horizon after already having Sunday School at their own church.  They come weekly with Pastor Carlos to help these people who are hungry for the Word learn how to look up scripture and read it while Pastor Carlos preaches.  Today we sang a mixture of old hymns and contemporary music as well.  All with joy in our hearts.  We could fill the presence of the Holy Spirit this beautiful Sunday afternoon as true worship unfolded right before us.  There is just something about having worship under those large mango trees. By the way those of you who need bulletins well I am sorry down here in Honduras our bulletin is the power of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Carlos preached from John 14 about the light of the world which is Jesus Christ.  He went to other passages as well and as he did the mother church members were right there to help these unsaved souls find the Words they are so hungry for.  As of yesterday there has been nine salvations up in this community where they meet weekly at different family's homes.  Gorden shared how this is definitely a biblical story.  How Jesus would go to different homes to heal the lost  whether spiritually or physically.  Pastor Carlos shared about one of our workers who got deathly sick and he did not know whether he would live or not.  We do not know when our lives will be over and are we ready to go to be with our Lord and Savior or not.  Tomorrow may be too late.  Don't wait another day to miss out on the greatest gift of all Jesus Christ, because He is the light in this dark world we live in and He is the only one who can save you from eternal Hell.  Amen y amen.
What a beautiful day in the house of the Lord.


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