Monday, February 20, 2017

Breaking Bread Together Daily

The boys only made sandwiches one day.  After that they were blessed daily with numerous Honduran cuisines.  One day was bean soup, fried chicken with rice, chicken soup, fried fish and on the last day after church they surprised us with postulates.  The ladies of the church fed everyone plus all the children.  There was over 200 postulates prepared on Sunday morning.  Jesus fed the multitudes  and there was plenty left over.  Pastor Carlos was blessed this week with his lovely wife, Suamayda who helped cook daily for the team.  There was laughter flowing out of this kitchen each and every day. These ladies played a big part in serving the Lord this week through their gift of cooking.  Tablecloths laced the plastic table and the men sat down daily to a nice hot meal provided with the most unbelievable hospitality.  I got the privilege one day to help make up the chismo and these sweet ladies found out very quickly I understood their Spanish when I responded to something they were saying about how we cook in North America.  We all laughed and once again started chopping and cooking and enjoying fellowship together.   It is a blessing for me now after seven years to be able to share and talk with the ladies better. Thank you God for this gift you have given me over the last seven years.  They better understand my Spanglish. 

God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us.
1 Corinthians 12:6

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