Above were some very excited young men. One week prior to the team arriving to build Pastor Carlos' Sunday School Classrooms the entire staff of Mount Horeb minus one security guard went to Las Uvas for three days to complete the foundation. North American, Joel, stay after his team went home to help build the Sunday School Classrooms. He did not know he was going to be so blessed with these gentlemen for three days. Joel transported them each day up about one and half hours into the beautiful mountains of Las Uvas. Arnold, one of our staff members had not ever been out of Pavana. So he was excited to go help his boss, Pastor Carlos and to go somewhere new. Pastor Carlos disciples all these guys daily on Mt. Horeb. Now in return they go and help him lay out the foundation for the future Sunday School Classrooms.
They all worked hard and enjoyed the ride daily with laughter throughout the Kia. Joel shared how blessed he was to be a part of an event which exemplifies dedication to the Lord and the their earthly boss, Pastor Carlos. Pastor Carlos is training these guys to be strong godly men at work and daily living. They have requested a bible study referred by another Honduran pastor to study and learn more about their Lord. God is providing Pastor Carlos the skill to train them spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. He has a lot of sweat equity in these boys and they are all living in out in their daily lives. Thank you God for such an amazing three days in your Name and for our friend Joel to be blessed beyond words. God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

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