Suzanne made dolls out of corn husk with the children as a craft during their VBS time with about six children. This worked really well for the projects she did with them. She shared with the children the birth of Jesus one day and she asked the children did they know Jesus. They answered her not know who Jesus was. She introduced Jesus to these six children for the first time. Thank you Suzanne for introducing the greatest gift of all to these beautiful children, Jesus Christ. It is great this team built a home for this family but the most important part of this trip was everyone knew Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
One day she shared Zacchaeus and how he met Jesus that day. What a blessing for Zacchaeus and these six children to meet Jesus for the first time. Who would of thought two years ago Jesus would have made HIS WAY up to El Quiquistal Agua Caliente Lincaca and be introduced to these children. Thank you Suzanne for giving them the greatest blessing of all, sharing Jesus Christ with them.

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