Daniel a new member to the team and a stranger to all his peers volunteered to do the devotion on the first night. He came to me and shared how his devotion was probably only about five minutes long. I shared with Daniel no worries God is in control and we will see what He does with your devotion tonight. Daniel read from Ezekiel 9. Daniel shared how would my life style change if I knew non believers would be taken out especially those in my own family. So Daniel shared from 1 Thessalian 5:17"Pray continually" and keep our focus on God. We need to see people how God sees them. Always think of things of God not of man. There was a question asked to continue the conversation after Daniel got through. The question was how do you pray? Many answers came to the floor, while I am walking to class I mediate on God's beauty and grandeur as I cross the campus, someone shared how they set aside some time to be still and be in His Holy Presence, another shared to just be still, early time in the morning is how many start their day, one shared what I listen to what goes in my ears is it holy or of the world, what I watch on TV with my eyes, is it holy and pleasing unto our Heavenly Father and lastly this person shared "I want to make much of Jesus" The Kingdom of God is real, we should be praising and giving thanksgiving unto HIM. God gives us comfort and direction through the power of the Holy Spirit through His Son Jesus. Team member, Matt, shared God is a relationship and prayer is our means of communicating with God. If you have a relationship with God then you can have a relationship with others through the eyes of Jesus.
Monica shared the next night about our gifts which come from God. We are here this week and all have brought many gifts. She encouraged everyone to use their gifts to glorify God's kingdom work here in Honduras. We need to take our gifts and multiply them to help others who are in need. We are blessed with gifts so lets bless others with what God has given us. Monica read Matthew 25:14
"Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them." Whatever we have received as gifts give them away to others. She also ready James 2:14
What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?
Anna shared on Thursday evening from Psalm 56:3-4 about trust. The issue of control is why we do not trust others or God. We need to be in control. She shared years ago she was driven to do her best at being successful and simply best at all she did. As time passed for Anna she shared how she became exhausted with trying to do all things herself without any help from Jesus Christ. She shared she was not in church and she had pushed God aside. She hit a huge obstacle in her life and finally said to God, "What do I do God?" Anna was afraid of she would not be good enough, talented enough even pretty enough for God to use her life. Anna found herself getting involved in church and started to feel a change come over her life. She started trusting in God for all her decisions. God finally blessed her one day as she got accepted to Campbell Physical Therapy School. Once Anna released control of her life and gave it to God she saw a lot of changings taking place in her life. Anna closed with one of her amazing gifts, she can sing and play the guitar very well. She sang "Trusting You" as many as well as myself were embracing every word from this song. Anna took all her fears of life and gave them to God and was able to lead us in the most beautiful closing of a devotion. Thank you Anna for allowing God to use you in many special ways.