This is where my blog ends which for Mike and I was a very special day worshipping with all brothers and sisters from North America and Honduras. We headed out to church and walked down the path from the community center which half the team had traveled the last two days. We arrived at the church to warm greeting from Pastor David. The church members slowly came down different paths from their homes to hear this North American bring God's Word. Before the sermon was brought two team members Robert and Clara gave their personal testimony. Clara is 17 years old and got up to share how Jesus was most important in her life and how her family helped her grow spiritually in the Lord as she has grown into adult hood. Robert shared how he was blessed to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and grateful to be in Honduras today worshiping with each one of them.
The team had worked several nights on singing the chorus of "Victory in Jesus" in Spanish. Wow, what a beautiful choir Mitchell led in the service this bright and beautiful Sunday morning. Mitchell accompanied the team on the guitar as they sang the verses in English and the chorus in Spanish. The Hondurans joined in with them as they sang in Spanish. All the hard work and practice prior to church this Sunday morning truly paid off and it was absolutely a group in harmony for Jesus.
Pastor Tommy made his way to the podium as he brought the Word of God. He shared growing up he can remember his mother singing "Jesus Loves Me' to him daily. Jesus was the central focal point of his family's day.. They read God's Word on a daily basis.
The sermon came out of Mark 10:46-52, "The Blind Man Who Begged"
The blind man was a beggar in one of the most richest places in Israel. It was a clean and extravagant country. All the cities had walls around them and the gates were closed at night for safety. But in the morning the gates were opened back up which is where the beggar was there as the day began. The government encouraged the people of wealth to be cruel to the poor and beggars of their area. In those days being blind was a curse from God. The beggar had a name but no one knew it. But guess who knew his name and knows our name, Jesus Christ. We are very important to Jesus and He knows our names no matter where we come from. It was very easy for the blind man to give up but he never quit begging and asking for some kind of help. The blind man heard Jesus had healed others and he knew this was his only chance to be healed and it would be by the great healer Jesus. Jesus showed mercy on the blind man. Just like the blind man if we want our lives changed we have to have Jesus Christ in our lives. We need to be fixed because we all our sinners. We just like the blind man all have something which needs fixing. We cannot fix what is wrong with us only Jesus Christ can fix our problems, our sins, our lives. The blind man admitted he needed Jesus, We need to admit with need to Jesus. We need to admit we need outside help. Jesus cares about our problems no matter how big or small they are. Jesus cares for us all if we would only give Him our lives.
The blind man asked for help. He said, 'Jesus have mercy on me". The blind man did not care what others thought of him asking God for help. We need not worry about what others think, folks making fun of us being a Christian, or we accused of being weak for being a Christian, or maybe they simply do not like to go to church or church makes them uncomfortable. The blind man did not care what others thought of him, he kept yelling for Jesus to help him, " heal me, please heal me Jesus'. Jesus had the blind man come to Him and Jesus healed him. The blind man throw off his coat as he approached Jesus. The coat could have been in the way of him getting to Jesus. So he threw it off to get to Jesus quicker. Is there something standing in your way today of you and Jesus? Is there a secret sin in your life, is there pride, what is standing between you and Jesus. We know we need to change but will not do it. We have lots of excuses why we do not want to give our lives to Jesus.. The blind man did not have any excuses, he wanted Jesus to heal him from his life of blindness. Jesus said to the blind man, "Go your faith has healed you." Jesus saved the blind man from his troubles and gave him a new life. Jesus is willing to help us if we are willing to give our lives to Him. There was a lot of folks in church that day but this sermon was definitely for one man in particular who will not give his life to the Lord. Please continue to pray for the life of Alex who because of lust and pride will not give his life to the Lord. After church Mike went over to him and said have you decided to follow Jesus and Alex said back to him not today. Well my friends we are not promised tomorrow and tomorrow may be too late. Alex has a beautiful wife and three beautiful dauthters and one gorgeous baby boy. If he were to die today he would spend his eternal life in hell and would not ever see his family again. Is that your life? Does your family know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and you are not ready to give your life to Jesus? Your destination is eternal hell, well I plead with you today if you are reading this and do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior let today be your new life in Christ.
Sadly this is where this blog ends. Mike and I had to make an emergency trip home to family. The team did finish the home and the police conference was a huge success. So to God be the glory for the rest of this week in Honduras for our team from Virginia
