Monday, November 6, 2017

The Beauty of Honduras

Honduras has beauty in many ways,  Of course the beauty of the people.  Their lifestyles are none compared to ours but yet the simplicity of their daily lives is breathtaking and a desire had by all North Americans who come to Honduras.  They live each day to provide a meal for their families by collecting the firewood to cook on the clay stoves daily or collectively at one time.  They sell tortillas, frozen bananas, wash someone's laundry or work the fields for a meal for their families.  There is not a lot of stuff in their lives which hinders them from totally relying on their Lord for their daily needs.  They trust God will provide all they need for each day. They do not worry or seem concerned about their day.  The ladies prepare their days like the Proverbs 31 lady does, she provides the needs of her family daily.
They are surrounding by God's creation of trees with numerous fruits and vegetables.  They do not depend on man and the grocery store for their food, they plant and grow their own foods they need to eat daily.  They can always go to the local Pulperia to purchase their beans and rice as needed.  So many of us are jealous of the impression of Jesus Christ they exhibit in their daily lives, they truly rely on the Lord for all they need and His creation which provides so much for them as well.  They may not have a lot materialistically but they have it all within their community and spiritually. 

See the source image

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