Monday, November 6, 2017

Arrival at El Tambor

This team had a journey each day to their job site. But before starting their journey daily they lifted up their day unto the Lord in prayer on the porch of the North American Dorm. It took the Land Cruiser the Kia and the bus to transport them to the project.  But the project was only about thirty minutes across the road from Mt. Horeb, praise God.  The folks on the bus had to walk from the community center in El Tambor which is actually a beautiful trail of God's creation surrounding their path to the project.  The Kia and the Land Cruiser were able to get closer but had to travel through a holding area for about twenty five cattle which was not a problem either.  The cows either stood or sat watching them each day go by their home as they chewed their cud.  This was the closet any of us had every been to a cow this huge.  They were beautiful creatures who God has created.
The crew on the two vehicles closet to the project starting unloading the supplies off the back of the Kia carrying and dodging cow dung each day.  They did this with a joyous heart for they were providing a precious family a home. The first morning upon arriving they came across  a small stumbling block.  There was a barb wired fence keeping them from getting to their project which was simply on the other side of the fence.  So they passed the supplies over to each other until there was a means otherwise.  They had to cut the barb wire so they cut get through to the foundation of the home.  There was not anything which kept this team from doing what God had called them to do, build a home for Nelson, Ana and Demas, their four year old son. Thank you all for being so flexible without complaint.  God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
See the source image

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