Monday, November 6, 2017

Setting Up the Cornerstones

 Each team comes in with an unique project or opportunities.  Well this one came in with a couple of opportunities.  Jim, new team member jumped right on one of the problems and dug out the corner of one of the cornerstones to make room for the medal pole to go in the ground to set up this cornerstone.  He worked diligently with a shovel digging out the area for this medal pole to be placed.  Pastor Carlos with a grin on his face says the foundation is not level and says, "But this is not problem and turns around to walk off with the help of Sam to make the corrections to make this house a home.  Tino, the driver pitched in to help set one of the corners.  Every one was working together to make somethin imperfect as close to perfect as our human hands can produce.  This is similar with our own lives.  We are not perfect but as long as our foundation is solid in the Lord, He will make us to His perfection in due time.  We just need to be willing to be adjusted at the given time to make us strong in our foundation in Jesus Christ. In order to do this we need the correct tools to make our foundation level and strong, God's Word daily, prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit moving in our lives on a daily basis and be willing to know we are sinners and ask forgiveness daily for all we do which makes our foundation not level.

See the source image

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