Saturday, January 19, 2019


The time has come where all good things are coming close to an end.  This week has flown by as they all do for us each week.  The team was busy at work finishing up on the fifth day with the roof and I counted about eight or nine other jobs going on around us.  Pastor Zach had shared the gospel with Marvin on Thursday but wanted to follow up with him to make sure he totally understood about him accepting Christ as his Lord and Savior.  While he was talking to Marvin there was another gentlemen listening as well to the story about Jesus and the sweetest gift of all our salvation.  
While this was taking place, Mike and Pastor Carlos were on the roof placing each piece of tin in place who Charlie and Robert were helping with this task.  Melanie and April cleaned the doors and the windows of the home getting all the mud off with the help of Eduardo.  Steven and Robert cleaned off the concrete slab in front of the house and the rest of the team was cooking lunch.  Every single person was busy doing the Lord's work and doing it with pure joy in their hearts.  What a great way to close out their week to completion.  

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