Welcome back after many visits to Honduras is Team leader and Pastor of Salemburg Baptist Church, John who he brings along his lovely wife, Carol and their sweet daughter Katie. They bring us such love and laughter each and every time they enter Honduras. Carol's compassion for others is contagious. Katie is like a magnet when she gets around the children. She seems to gravitate to them each and every time she comes. The three work well together as a family in Christ. Carol and Katie always tag team during devotionals which is most definitely an encouragement and enrichment for our spiritual journey. John leads his team well with dignity and respect from all. He does love his ice cream and praise the Lord we have plenty for him to choose from thanks to Mt. Horeb Pulperia. Thank you all three for your strong commitment to the ministry here in Honduras. Thank you Carol and Katie for your effortless time you put into preparing the Women's Conference and VBS. John your leadership here is much appreciated each year you all come. We love you all very much!!!!
"As for me and my house we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15
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