Saturday, July 2, 2016

The Church and Community Step Forward

After the introductions I stepped back to the original house to see what all the chatter was about.  There was the pastor's wife and several sisters from the church assisting Victoria in the meal for lunch for all the Honduran men the first day.  Each day these lovely ladies cleaned, chopped, chatter about daily events and cooked not just for the Hondurans but on day two of the project the North American joined in on this special treat.  They were served vegetables, chicken, chop suiy and small hot dogs with rice.  They felt honored and blessed to be able to break bread with their Honduran brothers and sisters.  It was beautiful and such a testimony to us all of how the church family and one neighbor came together to help Victoria complete a time consuming task each day.  Thank you God for showing us Jesus in each of these sisters in Christ.  Carol and Lynda said one evening during God moments how we eat together and we may even clean up after a gathering together.  But we do not come together and cook together as sisters in Christ.  I shared we can take care of that on Sunday evening.  Read more later about our special celebration.

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
Acts 2:46

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