Monday, July 25, 2016

John Scott's Block Cutting Crew

While the four corners were going down, Sarah, Anna Kate, Taylor and Tabitha were assisting John Scott in his yearly duty of cutting specialty blocks.  These ladies  helped by lining up his blocks getting them ready for cutting. They knocked the nubs away and stack them away for later use.  These girls learned early on we do not throw anything away.  We use everything around us to help complete this home.  These ladies worked hard and steady beside John Scott to make his job a little easier.  When we all come together to get a task complete everyone gets a blessing from it.  Wow ladies thanks for all you did on the block cutting team.
John Scott's shared a  devotional one day at lunch after he completed he closed in prayer, Sarah shared how when John Scott was praying the children standing around with them prayed the prayer with him.  This is something taught in the local churches. The children are very involved at an early age to participate in all aspects of the worship service.  The ladies were blessed this day spiritually and physically by helping John Scott.  Well done good and faithful servants.

so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:5

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