Thursday, August 4, 2016

Some Favorite Memories

Justin made many memories during his internship with North Carolina Baptist Men.  One of his favorite was of course Lassie.  He enjoyed watching the sunsets on Mt. Horeb.  The sun sets daily here at 5:55.  When he was possible for Justin he would climb up on the rock and baste in the presence of the Lord's creation. 
Another favorite past time was the Honduran version of baseball.  Once again Justin likes himself better in Honduras.  He had never really played baseball at all until arriving in Honduras.  It is a tradition with most teams to play baseball on their last day.  Justin looked forward playing baseball with his Honduran brothers and North American brothers.  On his last day playing baseball here he got a chance to say good bye to Edwin, the star baseball player of  Honduras.  It is not baseball unless Edwin shows up.  I am glad Justin was able to speak and say good bye to his new friend who has just recently learned how to play baseball as Justin did this summer.
But last but not least it did our hearts good to see Justin being still and reading in God's word.  He spent a lot of his free time getting closer to the Lord while he served HIM here in Honduras.  Justin was able like I said earlier to share in devotions and God moments along side the teams he served with.  Justin is an inspiration and hope for the future of our young people.  He sets the standards high for his peers.  Justin shared one of his friend who came down with his home church question him after a couple of hours of being with him.  He said Justin was very different and it was a very good different.  Justin shared with his friend, "I like myself when I am in Honduras." 

Then he said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.
Luke 9:23

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