The home dedication made to a beautiful week in Cedeno, Choluteca, Honduras. Pastor Rany led the service of dedication. The most touching and moving moment was when Nancy shared with tears running down her cheeks how grateful she was first to God then to the North Americans for providing her family a home. A home where they can lock the door at night, be dry in the rainy season and to share with others about Jesus Christ. Nancy is only 16 years old but a strong Christian young lady who has a godly example through her father and mother. There was tear everywhere on this day, but these were tears of joy and gratitude for us all. How amazing it is to see our God and how big HE is in all details of life. Thank you my God for allowing us to serve you this week with such a godly family.

As I shared earlier we had to travel back on Saturday and cut our week a little shorter. So on Sunday morning we got up and worshiped on the back porch of our home. One of the ladies commented how awesome it was to be able to worship barefooted. God takes us as we are as long as we are in His presence. Pastor Randy read from Psalm 133 to open up the service. This actually brought chills through me as I listened to the reading of God's word. In many churches in Honduras that morning the very same scripture was being read. How big is our GOD!!!! Pastor Randy shared how Digno and his family pointed us all toward what true joy and for a renewal in our faith.
Our worship service titled was "New Testament Church". The way we were worshiping on this day was how the New Testament Churches use to worship. The homes were opened up to have worship and sharing in God's word.
But as the service came to an end Pastor Randy did something amazing. We shared in the Lord's Supper. He started it and gave it to Tim and then shared the words "This is my life broken for you and this is my blood shed for you, Do this in remembrance of Me." Words cannot describe how amazing this moment was for all of us. All God's people said "AMEN".
"And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "this is my body given, doing this in remembrance of me."
"In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."
Luke 22:19-20