Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Six new brothers and sisters in Christ

Last week we built Teodoro and Ingrid a home in Las Cabasas.  We shared how Pastor G asked them how their church was doing. Well it was not doing much of anything.  So Pastor G had one of his disciples, Aurielle, come out to preach last Sunday.  Monday night he was there doing a bible study.  We asked where the bible study was held.  Ingrid spoke up and said in our new home.  Teodoro and Ingrid has opened up their brand new home for the start of their new church.  They have not moved into their new home as of yet.  Also Ingrid and five other people have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  She shared this today with me with tears of joy in her eyes.  Teodoro has not received Christ yet but he is giving his new home to be used for worship.  Pray for Teodoro soon to become a brother in Christ.  In this picture is my sister, Amarciela who is a new sister in Christ.  She received a bible to read on a daily basis.  We had one of the team members share about how many bibles we have laying around in our homes and alot of folks around the world, like here in Las Cabasas, do not have God's Holy Word.  Thank you Teodoro and Ingrid for opening up your new home for your community to have church three times a week.  What a humbling act of servant hood.
Mrs. Alice shared God's word with several of the ladies in Las Cabasas.  She is involved with Moms in Prayer.  God continued to bless Las Cabasas with God's word.  Dimas said on the last day he was able to talk to Teodoro about receiving Christ as his Lord and Savior.  Dimas shared he is so close.  As I said earlier please pray with us for all the lost people around the world, even right next door to  you or a co-worker.  Everyone needs Jesus.  And all God's people said AMEN!!!
"I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14:6

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