Saturday, August 1, 2015

Much More Than a Building

Sheri, an adult chaperon, shared one day how she watched Maida and the ladies chatting and giggling.  She wondered what conversations were taking place around their circle.   There was always conversations taking place.  It was a joy to see the laughter and joy as they shared with one another maybe about the future of their church and what all they may do one day in this building.  The many meals they may prepare as they come together to worship our Lord.  They were a joy to stand back and observe each day the team was working.

It is not a trip to Honduras without those precious little faces with huge smiles and big brown eyes. Each day the team did work on the church building, but they also spent numerous times enjoying the simplicity of the children.  Bettylenah taught our friend Juan David to tie his tennis shoes.  One day they had a lesson on how to tie tennis shoes.  The very next day Bettylenah saw Juan David bend over and tie his own tennis shoes.  Good job Juan David.  Of course everyone has fallen in love with our "Stephanie"  who most of her peers consider her an outcast.  But as time as passed and Stephanie's peers have noticed how the North Americans are receiving her warmly they too have soften up a little towards their friend.  The children played marbles, jump rope and played with bubbles.  These are the very things as a child I use to do.  It is awesome to set back and watch them simply be children and enjoy playing outside and have true fun.  A lot of the young people shared how this does not happen at home anymore.  You do not see children playing outside and most of these young people did not know how to play marbles.  They learned a lot from the Honduran children this week.  We always think we are coming to help them and they end up teaching us so much more about what true joy in life really is all about.  Thank you my sweet little friends.  You all are truly a blessing to so many of us.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

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