Saturday, February 1, 2020

Brothers Serving Together

Joel, team leader and brother Steve have been coming to Honduras over ten years together serving their Lord.  They both come with hearts full of joy and love for this country called Honduras.  They never work side by side by always work as a team.  Steve's main job is cutting the block while brother Joel lays the block. Though on the last day the two brothers joined together to collect rocks to put around the outside of the home to add some special landscaping touches to the new home.  This has been Steve's joy for many years.  He enjoys collecting just the right rocks to place around the home.  Brother Joel joined him this year while the finishing touches were going onto the roof of the home.  This is such a gift from God to be able to serve as brothers in Christ and in blood as well for the greater of the Kingdom of God.  Well done good and faithful servants.

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