Monday, February 3, 2020

Evenings of Devotionals

Prior to arriving Kristi, team leader, already had every evening  lined up for devotionals except one evening.  Our sweet precious "Tina" had not signed up for devotionals yet.  She was apprehensive about doing a devotional as was her precious husband Lee. But as it got closer both of them signed up for a devotional and I'm sure it was Tina's first time and I believe Lee had shared before.  But in saying all this when we allow God to use us to glorify Him and not ourselves God can do all things.  Tina picked a sick in the dorm bathroom where the scripture over the sink said this, "Nothing is impossible with God".  So this was her theme for her devotional the night she shared and it is absolutely amazing how awesome our God is when we are obedient to something He truly wants us to do in His Name.  Tina you did an amazing job because you allowed the Holy Spirit to work in and through your words.  Because your words were God's words.  The next evening Lee followed his lovely wife and I shared with him he had a tough act to follow after Tina's devotional.  He chuckled and said yes and how very proud he was of her and her boldness in sharing God's Word.  Thank you Lee for sharing your testimony of being a Christian for four years and how you would never dreamed you would be sitting in Honduras sharing a devotional with his church family.  His scripture came out of Romans 12:3-8, one of Mike's favorite scriptures from God's Word.  Lee shared we all came with different gifts and talents as I was sharing with the ladies prior to Lee's devotional about the team prior to them preached on gifts and talents from the North American team and the Honduran Sunday School teacher fell right in behind the sermon with the identical topic gifts and talents.  Obviously I am suppose to hear this and now I am asking God what gifts and talents am I not using to further His Kingdom work in Honduras.  Let's all ask ourselves are we giving God all of us to further His Kingdom.  This week this team gave their all and more to further the Kingdom of God.  They used their gifts and talents and so much more.  This group served this week humbly as Lee shared we should do during his devotional. Lee shared how he loved going to church weekly and being spiritually fed and to go out into my community back home serving others but this past week took my spiritual growth to a whole new level.  Amen y amen Lee!  The reason Lee grew spiritually and took it to a whole new level is because his as well as his team members hearts where totally in Honduras and allowing God to teach them how easy it is to get out of your comfort zones when God is in control.  Along came Sheri sharing about "flying blind".  She shared how she had not any idea what to expect when finally the plane landed in Tegus.  She came in blinded and unsure.  As the pilot of the plane trusted his instruments to get the plane safely on the ground we as well need to trust God our soul instructor who can guide us daily if we only allow Him.  My life back home is the same daily.  I was unsure about building a home and doing VBS in a different setting.  A very different culture for all of her team.  But as she shared she was a Martha she decided to let go and following God and allow Him to lead her and her teammates to a week full of His joy.  Sheri decided to trust God and follow what He had called her to do and be obedient fully to His Will.  Sheri shared how God proved Himself faithful.  Sheri's scripture was Proverbs 3:5-6 which shares how we have to acknowledge God first in our lives and He will provide all we need.
Kristi shared the first and last evening about Paul being an awesome missionary from 2 Timothy 4:1-8 at the beginning of the week.  This week we need as a team to deny ourselves and be fully committed what God has called each of us to do.  We are not here by mistake or coincidence because God is not in the business of coincidence.  He is in the business of providing all we need if we are obedient.  We knew coming in this was not going to be like our home conditions, climate was going to be very different, language very different and the way Hondurans build homes is quiet different from how we build homes back in the states.  But as God knows so well when we are totally obedient which this team was it all becomes a blessing instead of a challenge for each of us.  This team found such joy in getting hot and working beyond their own means.  So on Kristi's last evening's devotional she shared about a book she was reading while here in Honduras, "Something Needs To Change" by David Platt.  We all need a heart change and going out where God has called us to do.  She shared how she did not want to loose what God taught her in Honduras but to apply it to her life back home and the rest of the team agreed with Kristi.  Kristi shared how all our hearts need to break and feel the need to help others who cannot help themselves.  Jacob shared one evening how we must fear God as well as love God.  It is necessary to fear God in order not to have sin in our lives.   Jesus has taken the punishment for our sin.  This week Jacob shared how we need to humble ourselves to do the work God has called us to do and as I shared earlier this team did exactly that, became humble, trusting God totally and truly obedient.  As Jacob shared God is all knowing but yet we try to do it all ourselves. This week this team allowed God to use all of them in a mighty way by saying "Yes" and coming to Honduras and serving their Lord wholeheartedly.  Thank You God  for sending this precious group of people who love You first and serve You the most!!!!

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