Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Cornerstone

 The next step is to lay the four cornerstones to make sure they are level and in align to lay the first block and dedicate this home to the Lord.  Before I go any further into this blog I would love to give all the glory for these four cornerstones and the rest of what God has in store this week for Rudy and Cindy but also I want to say thank you to my dear sister in Christ Mrs. Barbara who in about one month raised the money to build this home buy selling mac and cheese, quart containers of different kinds of soup, many different breads and relishes along with homemade pickles.  There is probably so much more this lady of 81 years has been cooking and selling to help the beautiful people of Honduras.  All because her grandson James came eight years ago and came back to the states sharing how much he loved Honduras.  Also thank you everyone out there who helped Mrs. Barbara meet her goal in building this home by purchasing one of those delicious items I just mentioned.  These four corners along with 52 bags of cement and 800 blocks and a lot of labor from about 8 to 10 Hondurans depending on the day.  We had continual help throughout the week by family and friends.  I want Mrs. Barbara to be an encouragement to us all we are never to old to serve the Lord.  By the way she has almost got enough money for a second home to be built.  She has truly been a blessing and uplifting in my life every time she sends me an email to say what she has been up to for Honduras.  I either start smiling or cry a tear of joy and Mike says you are reading an email from Mrs. Barbara right?  I say, "of course!!!"  

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