Truly words cannot express these two men who we all call our bosses. "Jefe" is the Spanish term. These two gentlemen Pastor Carlos and Mike have the most respect from their peers of any two men I know. I do know one of these gentlemen is my spouse but when you stand back and watch these two work together it is a work only God could develop. They know each other so very well especially putting on the roof. Meida shared with Patty the mother this roof will go up in about thirty to forty minutes and sure enough it did. I heard Patty say "Techo es rapido" The rood went up fast. They are simply amazing together. There eleven years working together they only disagreed one time that I know of and it lasted about fifteen minutes and off they went working side by side again. They have a very special relationship in the Lord. When I leave to go stateside and say good bye to everyone I always seem to cry when I say goodbye to Pastor Carlos. He is just a gentle and sweet spirit, a very godly man. Teams will share with new team members if you mess up on laying a block or whatever no worries, Pastor Carlos will say, "No problem". He always picks one person on every team to be his go to person and he learns their name very quickly and may call it out fifty times a day. But everyone loves working beside Pastor Carlos. He is a great teacher and servant all rolled into one. He is a true man of God. Mike is so blessed to have Pastor Carlos as his brother in Christ and his friend.

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