This week the team had a great week riding to their project getting to observe God's beauty all around them. We are all created by the same God but live different lives with different cultures. God does not see color as we see color. Matt shared this in his devotional one evening. He shared out of the book of Acts 10 and ll. Matt shared we are all created equal in God's eyes. One is not better than the other Matt shares. We are not to live by the law but by the Spirit, the Holy Spirit which dwells within each of us if we believe Jesus Christ died for our sins. Jesus shed his blood for you, me and everyone who wants to receive this personal relationship with HIM. We are not even close to being good enough and work enough to earn our salvation. It is a free gift from God. God gave His only Son for us who are sinners saved by this grace and mercy found only in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Matt shared Jesus is our Cornerstone and without Him there is no hope. Without Him there is no love. Without Him we are nothing.
But one morning as we were sitting on the North American Dorm Katy proposed a question to Todd. She shared she had made an observation at church and the job site. There was a lot of men helping build this home but not many of them came to church on Sunday. Her question was to Todd, "Don't you think we need to find out why there were not in church and ask them about their relationship with Jesus Christ?" Todd totally agreed. Katy then said, "Well I could do it but I am a woman, it truly needs to come from one of you guys." Todd totally agreed. Katy you are one amazing young lady who challenges us older one to get out there and be bold for Christ.
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