Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Rock Crew

I sat up on the porch of Alexia's home as this group of young men unfolded their morning.  This was a small group of young men, Chase, Brandon, Scott and Justin A. who was led by an amazing and supportive supervisor, Ron.  Pastor Carlos was with them as they started working on the project for Carolina and Tintone's stable. When they volunteered for this mission project they did not know what they were getting themselves into.  I must say I was humbled by their ability to preserve through every single rock they moved out from the foundation of this place which one day will be called a stable.  Harrison wanted to see his project to completion.  But there was way too many rocks of all sizes they had to conquer to make this happen this week.  They dug endlessly making piles and piles of rocks right outside the foundation of the stables.  They dug and pulled, they pulled and dug so many different sizes of rocks came out of the ground.  Ron, supervisor made a very good analogy of this process.  This is how the chain gangs use to work in prisons years ago.  Yes folks reading this, these guys took rocking it to a whole new level.  They never wavered from their project they volunteered for.  They never grew weary because they were always lifting each other up plus they had Lassie right there with them helping every step of the way until Lassie stepped on Pastor Carlos rope for leveling the foundation for the poles to be set.  Lassie then had to watch with me from the porch as she watched her new friends working so hard. 

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