Thank you for Mark and Joe who got right on the block cutting without a hitch. There was not any opportunities with the block cutting. Praise God we had one positive task in our favor. Mark you are just not allowed to sit down and take a break, understand? Poor Mark sat down for five minutes when Mike hollered a number five Mark. Well Mark was sitting and didn't realize Mike needed yesterday, right Mark? Mike was only joking with Mark but Mark said I will take care of these guys later, (only joking of course). Through all the opportunities around us the team enjoyed each other and kept right on serving where needed.
Meanwhile down in the right corner of the foundation Pastor Robert and Matt hollered for Mike to come to them because they had a huge situation. This gave our friend Mark a break from the demands of Mike. The rope for the level was cut in half somehow. So Mike with the help of Pastor Carlos once again without a complaint repaired the problem and the work continued right on schedule.
Pastor Robert was also being blessed this week as well. He saw five young men mixing the mescal for the house. He shared with me this is his job but he did not mind sharing this with others as he is getting older and this task is not any easier. Pastor Robert's job each year up until
last year and now this one was to mix the mescal all day. He did the job with God's endurance as God provided Pastor Robert all he needed to get the task done. But as time passes we do get older and the job has not changed or down sized any. It is still shoveling and shoveling the mixture all day long. So Pastor Robert was grateful for Pastor Orlin and church members who came out to do this very important and strenuous task.
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