Monday, August 5, 2019

Farmlife on Mt. Horeb

We were able to get some hay for Titone who is suppose to be hurt. We got back to Mt. Horeb drove the tuck up to the corral where Titone was suppose to be resting.  We bought him food nd Mike laid out his hay.  Bob was able to love on him a little as well.  Titone is a very social animal and likes people.  Bob gently spoke to Titone and rub his nose as Titone took it all in and enjoyed the attention.  Lassie stood from afar watching this horse get all her attention.  So off she heads to the corral where she found Mike spreading out the hay and Bob loving on Titone.  The hospitality queen was not the least bit happy at this time.  But she soon got over herself when everyone walked away as she trotted along with them back down to the multi-purpose building.  Derek handed Yobani a watermelon we were to have later at dinner.  We love our life at Mt. Horeb, animals and all!!!

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