Monday, August 5, 2019

Working In The Name of Jesus

Everyone pitched in to get the 800 blocks and 52 bags of cement along with the rebar into a beautiful home. There is so many different little jobs which need to be done.  For instance the doors and windows need to come off of the Toyota and we always seem to forget this important detail and it is not until Mike is ready to leave he realizes they need to come off.  There was a mescal crew but to get that mud to appear took sifting of sand which is what Bob and Derek did all week as well as laying the blocks and filling the joints.  They saw work and they got it done and this duo team shared one evening they got as much done as if they had a team of ten North Americans.  Because God blessed their obedience by sending Hondurans each day to get all the tasks completed.  As Bob shared there is not anything God cannot accomplish as long as we are faithful to the calling to come.  All we need to do is show up and God takes care of the small details as well as the large ones.  The project will get done in God's perfect timing.  Thank you my faithful duo!!!!

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