Thursday, August 1, 2019

Physical and Spiritual Food

As I shared previously the team started each morning with a breakfast of champions prepared by David and Joanne.  They got up bright and early made sure a pot of Honduran coffee was brewing for their team as they blessed them with bacon, eggs, grits, ham one morning and pancakes as well.  After their hearty breakfast the entire team cleaned up the kitchen and met for their daily spiritual food led by various team members.  The first morning Pastor Matty shared out of Psalm 96:1-3 on how we should praise the Lord for being here to serve Him in this beautiful country. It should be our honor and privilege to be here and we need to praise HIM for this amazing opportunity.  Pastor Matty shared, "Where do I fit into God's picture while I am here?"  All over this world people are searching in life for what is real.  Pastor Matty said there are people who work to find confetti money, this is their job to find out what is real money and fake money.    As we go out this week this is our only chance to show the community of Colonia Unidas what is real, God.  God is love and God is all we need in this dark and broken world.  God put us in a perfect place and then along came Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden and sinned against God.  Man rebelled against God and sin came into God's perfect world. But there is joy for those of us who believe that God sent His One and only Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins.  It is our joy to just simply acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior and to exercise out Acts 1:8.  Pastor Matty says we can't transmit what we do not have.  God provides us the Holy Spirit so we can go out and share our joy in Jesus Christ. This should be a privilege to go out and share our love for Jesus Christ and not a Christian duty or an obligation.  People this should be our pure joy to go out and share Jesus Christ wherever we are, at work, school, grocery store and yes in Honduras.  We should be excited to be called a child of God through His Son Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit which dwells within each of us who are called children of God.

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