On March 21st Oakdale Baptist Church out of Rocky Mount NC made a return visit to Le Gero Blanco. Back in August they came as an evangelism team and saw the need for Pastor Pedro a home. They went back home and shared with their church family the needs of Le Gero Blanco, Choluteca, Honduras. They raised their money and here they are again in Le Gero Blanco building Pastor Pedro and Maria and their six children a home. Before arriving we need to say thank you to Mt Olive Baptist Church from King, NC for delivering the tools, scaffoling, etc to the job site. Pastor Pedro lives down a narrow rocky road then across a river which is dry now because of the dry season. But Pastor Pedro had dug out a road going up the embankment to his home on the top of the hill. The bus was unable to go up to the house. It stayed parked at the top of the main road. The team walked down the road across the dried up river and up the embankment to the construction sight each day. Also before the team arrived Pastor Pedro spent days carrying the blocks and building materials up to the construction sight. By the time the team arrived on the 21st Pastor Pedro was near exhaustion but still had a glorious smile on his face. Once again Pastor Pedro is one of the most humble men we have ever met. We found out prior to the team arriving Maria, Pastor Pedro's wife had lost her father to an auto accident. We hoped getting a new home would lift her spirits. She also had a big smile on her face each and every day. Oakdale had never built a home before. It did not take them long to figure out where they all needed to be and to get the job done. After setting the four corners we laid and prayed over the first block. By the end of the first day Oakdale had proudly gotten their five courses completed. To God be the glory!!!! This team came in not knowing how to build a home but came willing to learn and allow God to use them in many ways that week.
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
Phillippians 4:13
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