Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sharing more than a home

The team set aside time to enjoy the children and adults of Honduras.  A couple of days they were able to break off and a few of them went to the church to share in a VBS for the children.  The tree sitting in the chair was done on the last day, one for the church and Oakdale took one home with them.  Each child and adult place their finger print onto the canvas to represent tree leaves.  They played soccer and just enjoyed some good ole fellowship and laughter with Boo under the shade tree.  May had a captive audience on the last day as they shared love for one another.  As we always say the home will get built but the relationships are what is most important.  We always take a little of Honduras home in our hearts.  This folks are so easy to love and continue to love.  Thank you God for placing Honduras in all of our lives.
"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."
Romans 12:5

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