This team was able to build a house do two days of VBS and lead two people to Christ. One was Noa, the homeowner who Jose and Thomas with the help of Meida talked and shared with each day. The team called where they were sitting in the above picture, Pastor Jose church under the tree. This is where Jose and Noa sat each day and shared. Jose shared his personal testimony with Noa and shared how they had similar backgrounds but the difference between them now was Jesus Christ. Jose shared with him how he could have undescribable peace if he had Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. After Noa made his confession of faith in Jesus Christ, Thomas gave him the cross necklace he had worn all week. Thomas shared with him how he was praying for this necklace to go to a new believer. Someone who needed Jesus Christ in their life. We praised God today for Noa making the most important decision of his life. While all this was going on Boo was reaching out to a 15 year old young man named Jonathan who carries the world on his shoulders. Jonathan's mother is seriously ill and the team actually went to her house one day to pray with her. But during Boo's time with Jonathan he was able to share the gospel and how he can give all these worries to Jesus. Put them at the cross and let Jesus take care of him and his mother. Jonathan also accepted Christ this week while helping build his neighbor a home. Cidy was one of the ones who received one of the crosses. As she was going to church on Sunday she showed me the cross which she held tightly in her hand. Thank you Boo for sharing God's love with Cidy and Jonathan this week. During worship service on Sunday there was eight other people who accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. The angels were singing and dancing in heaven on
this day. Thank you Oakdale Baptist for doing more than building a home here on earth. Through God's leadership you built on to the kingdom of God. And all God's people said AMEN!!!!!!
1Thessalonians 5:9-23 Was shared by Boo on his night of devotional and God moments. I encourage us all to read this and take heed of what it says in our daily life. Encourage one another and build each other up. Just as Jesus did for us when HE died on the cross. He gave HIS life so that we could have eternal life. Go and share God's word and His plan for our salavation with anyone you know who does not know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
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