Thursday, March 31, 2016
Welcome Campbell University
MT. HOREB, HONDURAS – An interprofessional team of 28 Campbell University faculty and students spent Spring Break providing medical care to the people of Honduras in partnership with the North Carolina Baptist Men.
Col. Bill , chair of clinical research in Campbell’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, lead the interprofessional team and coordinated all of the details for medications, equipment, team assignments, and travel arrangements. The team was hosted by Mike and Ginger Green at the 37 acre NCBM Ministry Center in Honduras - Mount Horeb Baptist Camp.
Interprofessional Care & Learning
The interprofessional team consisted of 7 medical students (6 MS-Is and 1 MS-II), Dr. Charlotte , chair of family medicine at Campbell, and Dr. Stephen Barlow, physician volunteer and father of MS-I David Barlow; two physical therapy (PT) students and Dr. Marge , assistant professor of health professional studies; 2 Physician Assistant (PA) students and Mr. Miguel , assistant professor of health professional studies; and 11 pharmacy students and Bill as pharmacy faculty. The team joined in country with 2 Honduran physicians, Dr. Brenda and Dr. Mario.
The team of faculty and students were a mixture of first time medical missionaries and veterans.
“This was my first medical mission, but I served a two year mission for my church as a proselytizing missionary in Cape Verde,” said David, MS-I. “Serving in Honduras really helped me to see how the things we are learning in school can help and be applied. It is always humbling see people in need, they don't see themselves as in need, and they are happy with what they have - that was a good reminder.”
The four healthcare professions worked together to perform physical examinations of the patients and then develop the treatment plan for each patient. Medical, PA, and PT students enjoyed therapeutics discussions with pharmacy students about how they could treat the patient with the pharmacy resources the team brought with them, and medical students and PT students enjoyed collaborating regarding neuromusculoskeletal evaluations and treatment.
“While working in the pharmacy, it was great being able to ask the pharmacy students questions about mechanism of action (the way the drug works in the body), and have them quiz us on "what would you give this patient with this condition? Why? What would happen if you also gave this medication?" said Monica, MS-I. “It was great to come to understand what each profession knows and can do, but more importantly, it was amazing to see what we could accomplish TOGETHER.”
“It was a pleasure to see the comradery that developed between the students over the course of the week,” shared Dr. Charlotte. “We split into teams, and provided care at 4 different sites, seeing about 1,200 patients in 5 days as well as a dozen of the staff members working at the Mount Horeb Camp. Four local pastors helped coordinate clinics hosted in their churches and advertised the clinic among the people in their area. The students worked beautifully together and functioned as an interprofessional team without prompting or instruction. They were such a blessing!”
“This was my second year in a row heading to Honduras during spring break,” Tiffany, second year pharmacy student (P2). “Having all four of the disciplines – Pharmacy, DO, PA, and PT – on the team gave us all the unique opportunity to explore each other’s profession and have a better understanding of each profession’s role on the healthcare team. When interprofessional teams are able to work together, the patient is the one who wins in the end. It was incredible to me how we were able to mesh together in such a short period of time. Our ultimate goal as future healthcare providers is to provide the best well-rounded care available and this trip is a catalyst towards lifelong relationships in the healthcare field.”
Each team had either Dr. Brenda or Dr. Mario with them to refer extreme cases to in-country resources including the university hospital. The team dispensed 27,000 vitamins and gave many intermuscular antibiotic injections – high doses necessary for effective treatment. The team treated many foot injuries caused by lack of shoes and machetes (used as a primary tool by Hondurans) and trimming and debriding diabetic wounds. Because the team was in the area for a week, patients were able to come back for follow-up treatment including additional rounds of antibiotics and hypertension assessments to ensure the dosing regimens were effective. The PA program also gave basic eye exams and distributed glasses.
Ryan, a 4th year pharmacy student (P4), worked out two special regimens for patients during the trip: one, for a pastor’s wife who struggles with hypertension and the team was able to leave her with a year’s worth of drugs; and the second was for an infant who arrived at the clinic on the first day with an amoebic liver abscess.
“An infant came in very lethargic and in obvious distress,” said Ryan. “The Honduran doctor who examined him wrote a prescription for metronidazole, and while we had the drug, we only had tablets appropriate for an adult dose. We came up with a plan to cut the tablets and then crush it into a powder to be administered in water or food for the infant. As a fourth year student, I had access to Lexicomp, a comprehensive drug database, which helped us get an accurate dose. We cut the tablets into thirds, crushed them into powder, and put the powder in individual dose packets to ease the administration on the family to one packet per meal. We explained the directions to the interpreter who relayed it in Spanish to the family.”
“The plethora of different experiences among the group is what made this trip great,” said Tiffany, P2. “We were split up into two teams, and each team and individual saw something different, which made the stories we shared at the end of each day even more powerful.”
Home Visits
“We also did home visits with a team comprised of medical, physician assistant, and physical therapy students for patients who could not travel to the clinics. We saw incredible pathology including scleroderma (or systemic sclerosis), wounds, a patient in her early 20’s with osteogenesis imperfecta (or brittle bones), and numerous musculoskeletal disorders,” said Dr. Paolini. “Our students did a lot of OMM and also worked with and learned from the PT students and faculty.”
“During house visits, we all contributed to the care of the patient,” said MS-I David .“During the visit, the students from different disciplines were able to think about how we would help the patient with our knowledge; the combined knowledge of the different professions led to better care for the patients.”
David and his father agree that one of the most memorable experiences was doing a home visit to see a 63 year old woman with very advanced rheumatoid arthritis.
“She needed help doing all of her activities of daily living,” said David. “She needed help sitting up and laying down. It was incredible seeing how her family helped and took care of her. There was nothing we could do to help her, but we were able to pray with her and her family.”
“But, she still made tortillas everyday so that she could continue to contribute to her family,” said Dr. Stephen, physician volunteer on the trip and David’s father. “The trip reminded me that focusing on service, family and faith brings joy.
Humility and Spirituality
“Much was learned and, as one student said, it was not all medical,” reflected Dr. Charlotte.
“My most significant take away from the trip was that Hondurans are more blessed than us,” said PA student Alexandra. “They may not have a nice toilet, running water, a beautiful house with a yard, but that have such strong, beautiful spirits."
“The group of people that went on this trip was not the same group of people that left. We all were touched in some way by the people we helped, and the love we shared,” continued Alexandra. “Yes, we saw and treated amazing medical cases, but what we really learned is how to truly love our patients - how to care for them mind, body and spirit. That lesson we will all carry with us wherever God takes us next.”
“We learned how to pray for our patients, should they want that. It was more powerful than I would have ever known,” shared MS-I Monica. “It was especially powerful when we prayed for those with depression or incurable conditions. You could see the patient's face light up when you asked if you could pray with them; it was more than even medicine could do.”
In addition to learning how to connect to their patients spiritually, the team enjoyed individual spiritual growth.
“I really enjoyed the devotionals we had together at night and the opportunities we had to pray together as a group and to pray with the people,” shared MS-I David. “We were able to pray with the whole group at the last site I worked at - that was a great experience. I believe that whenever we serve our fellowman we show the love of Christ. I know that as a group we were able to show Christ's love through our service and through prayer.”
“On our last day, we were seeing the last family - 5 children and their mother,” reflected PA student Alexandra. “All 5 children were malnourished severely. Two of the children had amber colored hair from lack of adequate nutrition. The youngest one was 2 years old, but was only the size of maybe an 18 month old. She was lethargic, her hair was falling out, and she had soiled her dress; she was severely dehydrated. Because they were our last patients, we were able to give them the rest of our supply of vitamins. We also gave them rehydration packets. The community members also gave the little girl a clean dress. The family then came into our community prayer before we left. Their strong faith increased my faith - they blessed me - and I will forever carry that with me.”
“The spiritual aspect of the trip was very real and palpable,” said Dr. Charlotte. “ Students volunteered to bring the daily devotional without being asked. They also prayed with patients. Discussions in the dorm rooms at night were often about exploring spiritual issues and integrating medicine with spirituality. It was a balm to my spirit!”
The entire interprofessional team agreed the trip was a “mountain top experience”, as MS-II Tyler shared in the team’s devotion time, full of daily miracles and “God moments” - moments where the team could see or feel God working.
“In Honduras, we were completely unplugged - no emails, text messages, Snapchat, Facebook etc.," echoed Tiffany, P2. "Without distractions, it was like we were on a mountain, and we became more aware and recognized how much God was working in and around us. It is important to carry this perspective with us all the time. God doesn’t work more in Honduras – we were just able to see it there.”
This is one of the best missions trips I have had the privilege to serve on,” said Dr. Charlotte.
“The group relationships, the professional interactions, the growing of faith, and service to the Hondurans in 4 villages – this is what medical missions are all about!” said Bill, team leader.
Our Journey Begins
In the prior blog is Campbell's words on their trip, but now I would like to share a few words from my experience with these amazing young people. We picked up the team at the Tegus Airport with the Hilux, the Kia, the bus and a rental bus. We had a beautiful caravan going through the mountains of Honduras. Each day as the two different teams headed out they would line up in front of the North American dorm geared up and spiritually ready to go serve the Lord through their gifts of medicine in many different areas. Let our journey begin.
Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart.
Deuteronomy 8:2
Preparing for Day One
The team arrived safely to Mt. Horeb Ministry Campus of NCBM in Pavana, Choluteca, Honduras. They got busy prepping for the next day with Dr. Charlotte and team leader, Bill organizing their thoughts and ideas of how God was going to lead their week ahead. Dr. Marge, Devin, Monica, Tiffany and Ryan made the lunches each morning. Their first meal was chicken tacos provided by our bus driver, Jose's wife.
Our two pastors ponder on the week ahead as they sat on the front porch of the multi-purpose building. Orin, a pastor and pharmacy student enjoyed his morning reflecting over the newness of each day with His Lord. Pastor Carlos who helped orchestrate the different locations embarks on his week ahead after the planning and preparing with each pastor of the four communities the teams were going to service this week with their medical skills.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Matthew 28:19
Matthew 28:19
The first morning before departure the team disbursed of the different meds donated from another medical team. There was also a hydration crew who prepared the water and Gatorade for the two different teams going out daily. After all this was done we gathered around the porch of the North American Dorm to give our day to our Lord and Savior. Each morning team leader, Bill, would ask someone to pray them up and cover their day in God's grace. This was a very special part of each day. Seeing brothers and sisters coming together to ask God's blessings on what He had in store for each of the each day. They did a lot of praying during this week with their many patients and this is a very special part of medical missions, prayers.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, e be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people.
Ephesians 6:18
One Team Heads to Las Pradas
This is our first time working in this community called Las Pradas. This team traveled an hour one way for three days to meet the medical needs of these people. Upon arrival there was a blue tarp tent in the front yard of the church full of eager folks seeking medical care. This community has not ever had a medical brigade come to assist them with their medical needs. Campbell University was the first medical team. Both the Hondurans and North Americans were ready to help each other out in what God had in store for their week. Team leader Bill gathered everyone together in the sanctuary of the church to introduce his team and his Honduran translators and their Honduran doctor. We are grateful for Ingrid, Sunovia, Alex and Dr. Mario for being available to help their people this week.
The team scattered in different directions assessing their surroundings of where the doctors needed to set up their offices. The church family started gathering inside the church before we could get the clinic set up. One of the team members Galen spoke fluent Spanish and explained to the them how they needed to go back outside and wait for the registration to open up. "" Please be patient we will get to you all soon, shared Galen. Can you imagine not ever having health care provided for you and the day finally comes. The community was full of excitement wanting to be seen by a doctor. Dr. Charlotte and Dr. Steve along with Dr. Mario saw around 500 patients there three days in Las Pradas. They were able to make several home visits on their last days.
The pharmacy got busy setting and staging their meds on the stage of the sanctuary of the church. The men of the church worked hard this morning trying to block the side door of the church and provide a way to disperse the meds without the patients entering the church again. Crowd control is always an opportunity for medical missions. But this church took charge and helped out their North American brothers and sisters. They were also blessed with Christian music playing throughout their day. Thank you Tiffany, Taylor, Tess and Matt for a great job running the pharmacy and keeping the meds coming to the community in such a timely fashion.
I would like to introduce to you the Physical Therapy Crew who brought along so much to help these people with their daily lives, Dr. Marge and two of her students, Jeremy and Anna. In training this week was Emilee who is starting Campbell University next fall. Dr. Marge ask for a table to use while assisting her patients. The church family went out into the community and brought back a very sturdy heavy wood table right out of some one's kitchen. It was a beautiful piece of furniture she was blessed with for three days. Thank you PT for a job well done. One evening during God moments Tiffany shared how impressive Jeremy was over in the PT caring for a child who did not want to be treated. After a while Jeremy won the trust of this little fellow and proceeded to treat him. As Jeremy worked with him, the Hondurans in the sanctuary waiting to be see gathered around to observe what this stranger was doing to one of their little ones. Jeremy had a captive audience in amazement of his procedure.
The triage set up at the front door of the church. Tyler, David, Monica. Jonthan and Galen ran the triage as they continually checked the long lines of patients. There was also another blue tarp set up where the church was selling breakfast to the locals waiting to see the doctors. Mike and I enjoyed a delicious chicken taco and bottle Pepsi while watching the medical clinic become functional in about an hour or less. Team leader, Bill got with the translators, Suivia and Ingrid to explain what was needed of them as the day progressed. Bill said they were truly blessed with their translators during this week. Alex was there as well assisting in the crowd control of the folks coming in for assistance. It takes everyone working together to make a task like this come together. Unity played a huge part in the success of this medical team these three days.
Thank you all for providing this community with sufficient health care as well as spiritual renewal throughout your three days in Las Pradas. They will be forever grateful for the dedication working through some warm days and long days. Thank you for not complaining about your long ride daily and doing it all for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
"How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!"
Romans 10:14-15
El Porvenir
The other team went straight to Las Pradas as this team veered to the left to go to another little piece of heaven here in Choluteca, Honduras. We were blessed last year to provide this community with a church building. Up until last year they were meeting under mango trees or in each others home during the rainy season. This day was special for all of us involved. The community was very excited to be able to open up their church for their first medical brigade inside the four walls of their new church building. The young people of the community was their triage. They worked together checking in their friend and neighbors as they gathered there around 8:00. This team had about a forty five minute drive daily to their destination of two days in El Porvenir.
The pharmacy set up on the stage of the church. Peter, Devin, Orin, Rachel and Ryan ran a very smooth pharmacy without a translator the first day. After realizing Meida could better assist them in the pharmacy Peter was so excited to have Meida on their second day. Peter shared in felt inadequate and needed encouragement and God gave him Luke 9:1-8 and 10-17 to help encourage him . He shared how they have welcomed into this beautiful country and have seen the most beautiful gift of hospitality throughout their first day in El Porvenir. God also shared with Peter out 2 Corinthians 12:9 " My Grace is sufficient for you." One of my favorite bible verses as I use daily in my life as well.
We have a 95 year old gentleman who during the dedication of the church shared he wanted to see his community have a church building before he died. Until this day I did not know how important and profound his statement truly was. After several folks looking at this sweet spirit, they diagnosed him with cancer, stage four, I believe. He has been like this for some time and had the sweetest spirit about him. Everyone who encountered his presence was humbled by his attitude. Maeghan and Catherine worked together at a station while Jess worked all day trying to make a difference in the lives of these people.
We had Rachel as well as working in the pharmacy doing blood pressures and other vital signs to help out in the triage. Zach and James worked together along with Meida on the first day. This group was blessed with numerous skilled medical students on their first day. They were busy all day. They stayed at this little piece of heaven for two days. They saw a total of around two hundred plus patients. Thank you for making a difference in this beautiful place called El Porvenir.
When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases,
and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.
and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.
Luke 9:1-2,6
The Children
Throughout this week the team not only provide health needs but provide some good ole fashion fun with these beautiful children of Honduras. They all of course fell in love with our Stephanie in El Porvenir. The gentlemen on the team I think got beat in a game of futbol. After all they hard playing during their lunch break they went back to continue what God call them here to do, meet as many medical needs as they could. But the most important aspect of their week was building relationships with these children which they will treasure forever. Taylor connected with one little girl and played hard so hard she was exhausted by the end of her day. Taylor shared this is the best exhaustion ever. Tyler shared during triage at his first sight the children were scared of him but once he went to the yard and started a game of soccer and basketball they warmed up to him. David truly connected along with Jonathan with the children also in a game of soccer. These young people did more than medicine this week. They tasted the flavor of friendship and relationships. Ryan and Catherine caught just loving the littlest ones so their mothers could get treated. Thank you each even those whose name I did not mention for making such a difference in the lives of these little ones. Thank you God for giving us the gift of children.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14
Matthew 19:14
Nightly Devotions
The nightly devotions with this group was a nightly God moment. The in depth sharing of God's Word from the young people. The staff did not share a devotional. It was provided and prepared by the students. Taylor did our first night where she shared from the book of Luke 12:22-34. God provides for the birds of the air, the flowers and the trees, so why cannot we trust he will provide all our needs. What a great start to the week. Taylor shared when returning from last year God revealed to her this scripture out of Luke 12. Taylor shared God provides for everyone on this earth. So today if you feel you did not help someone today, it is okay, God provides all their needs. Do not look at these people with pity, they are full of joy and they are so much more richer than we will ever be. We will all be going to the same heaven one day if we believe in Jesus. Please be encouraged by being here to help them and in return allow them to help you as well. She encouraged her team on the first night of their arrival to take the time to pray, speak and simply spend time with your patients. This can be a special time for all of us if we allow God to use us according to his plan. Let God move in you this week in the way He has designed it for each of us. Thank you Taylor for a great start to our week.
Maeghan shared one evening from Luke 17 about the Ten Lepers. They were outcast and were not welcome. This was a big deal for them to ask Jesus to heal them, outcast of their people. All ten were healed but only one went back to thank Jesus. This entire trip is not about us at all but all about God and HE should be glorified. I saw this in the Hondurans today. The power of prayer in all things make all things possible in the name of Jesus. The Honduran people have spiritual strength. Their faith in God is strong and sets a great example for each one of us. We can learn from them it is better to let God be in control than to be in control ourselves.
Dr. Charlotte quoted one evening during devotionals: "Jesus can take our not enough to make it enough for his kingdom work." God gives us enough with our not enough. All God's people shouted AMEN.
Lizzie shared one evening how she missed out on an opportunity to pray with someone on the first day but God opened the door the very next day for a young lady with severe pains in her stomach and throwing up.
Tiffany shared one of my favorite quotes during her devotional one evening. God does not call the equip but He equips the called. She referenced Ephesians 4:1-13. Tiffany questioned whether she was equipped or not to be here. God got her up really early one more and shared this scripture with her. As she worked her first couple of days she saw how God equipped all of us to be here. She watched others working in their different stations and all for the common goal: God. We are only here to serve God not man. God first and the rest will fall into place.
Emilee shared out of Romans 12:2, we are all to go and make disciples of all nations. Emilee was strong and profound in her faith as she shared how we are called if we are believers in Christ to go. This is not an option for us at all. It is a command. So let's go and share this good news of Jesus Christ being our Savior, our eternity.
Alexa shared out of John 14. "Let not your heart be troubled" I felt like I came in blind letting go of my control was the best medicine for me. I need to depend on my heavenly Father for all my needs. I need to ask in His Name. I need to pray first. Dr. Brenda was struggling with an IV one day, stopped and prayed and then she could do it. We are seeing miracles like this all week. Miguel was touched several times by just simply praying to God and then He provided. Holy Spirit is in this place this week. Whoever believes in ME can do MY Work. Miguel received three rocks from a little girl one day. Miguel shared these will be my prayer rocks to remind me to pray without ceasing for the people in Honduras and for others.
Tyler topped it off with a mountain top experience. Tyler shared how we all have learned so much this week, outside of our medical fields. Orin shared how we are here because of His perfect design. We are blessed because of this perfect design. We have learned the Honduran people have such a strong faith. How strong is our faith? What is next after we leave here? We were able to climb the rocks today to see all the beauty of Honduras. The many rolling mountains which surround Mt. Horeb Ministry Campus. We had the change to refocus and see what is important in our lives. God is everywhere not just with our mountain top experience. Out of Romans 8:9 it shares how we need to baste in His glory. Christ lives within us through the Holy Spirit. Tyler also shared how our faith needs to be in the right place. Does your faith have root? Who are you? You are loved so much by Jesus Christ who died for us. Nothing on this earth we can do can earn us His grace. Don't count on your mountain top experience to help you once you get back home. What do we need to do once we get back home? We need to stay in the Word, prepare and equip ourselves by putting on the full armor of God, be with like minded folks, serve and most of all pray.
All God's people shout AMEN!!!!!
Emilee is not yet a student at Campbell University. She is a senior and loves missions. Her cousin, Taylor invited her to come to Honduras and she accepted. Emilee shared the first evening as she and I did the supper dishes. I simply want to serve God this week but I do not know where I will fit in and I do not want to be in the way. Well I am not sure if these pictures were at the first of the week or later, but Emilee definitely was a blessing to Dr. Charlotte one day as she literally loved, held and cared for many children while their mothers were being seen by Dr. Charlotte. Dr. Charlotte shared what a blessing Emilee was for her this day. Emilee said I was literally a baby sitter and I am grateful to God for allowing me to do just this on this day. Emilee was willing to do whatever God called her to do while serving this week with her team. She never got in the way because she was always willing to do whatever needed to be done to help her teammates out in their line of work. She also learned a lot working from station to station. But most of all Emilee I enjoyed washing dishes with you each night and learning about whose you are, you are God's child and an obedient one. Well done good and faithful servant.
"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
Matthew 25:21
Matthew 25:21
Los LLanitos
This was the first time this community had ever had a medical brigade. We met the pastor for the first time at the beginning of the year. We were hoping to build some homes in his community. But at the time there was not any one with their papers so we offered him a three day medical team. He was so excited to be able to share this with his church family. Mike and I pulled up to a very well orchestrated medical clinic. It was all outside except for the doctors and the pharmacy. The community was well receiving to their new found friends. The church family worked hard to get their community ready for their first medical clinic. Peter, David and Rachel managed triage as well as Rachel helped Meida in the pharmacy. Everyone was pulling their weight at their three day clinic in Los LLanitos.
There was some Physical Therapy going on with Alexis, Monica and David with the help of Dr. Brian. Tyler, Jonathan, and Meaghan worked as well with different patients. Dr. Brian had a room full of eager to learn medical students. This was such a joy to walk in and experience. There was so many different activities taking place inside one little Sunday School classroom.
I walked into a situation not so pleasant. The lady holding the baby who has a heart problem is the grandmother. The young lady in the yellow dress is the mother of this baby. Dr. Brian was demonstrating how the heart beat should sound and how it sounds by the clapping of his hands. Ronny, translator, was concerned for his people as he shared exactly what Dr. Brian was doing while he was clapping his hands together. Ronny demonstrated compassion just as Dr. Brian as he translated for the patient and her family. We were truly blessed with our translators this week.
Orin and Ryan were working the pharmacy They stayed busy filling the prescriptions for each and every family. Thank you gentlemen for a job well done.
Miguel spent a lot of his day cleaning out ears for many patients. Monica and Tyler assisted in these many procedures. Meaghan assisted Dr. Brian with a patient who had his ear cleaned.
This was all a huge blessing for this community. They were most appreciated of their healthcare. The team got to enjoy Christian music being song inside the sanctuary of the church one afternoon. The set up was precious and we were blessed by being able to work beside this community for the first time and hopefully not the last time.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3
Ephesians 1:3
The group who rode one hour each day got a little of a break their last two days. They rode about ten minutes down a dirt road to help our neighbors in Pavana. They quickly set up the clinic and went right to work. They learned quickly how blessed they were to have Dr. Mario in their clinic. He was very knowledgeable of his field of medicine. He referred several of his patients to clinics in Choluteca to get further care. We found out about Dr. Mario, he does a lot of volunteer right out of his own office in town. He is a very giving man and the team was blessed to worked with him.
Jess worked the triage with Suvina and was able to learn so much from her patients as they shared their numerous symptoms. We heard this all week, now the medical students learned more about their patients by being able to listen and simply be with them. Dr. Brian shared one evening in God moments watching this circle forming each evening, "You look very tired but it is a good tired. But if you will listen to God, He can change your life to how you treat others, your patients. This could truly change your journey." Dr. Marge followed up by saying how you all worked diligently and whole heartedly with compassion. We need to take this back to Campbell.
Dr. Marge met a lady in Pavana who was a PT in Choluteca. She was able to give Dr. Marge a massage one afternoon.
Orin shared how their was so much diversity on his team and how God ordained it to take place at this time, this place and with each of us in this room. God's wisdom is infinite and far reaching for all of us if we only allow Him to work.
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
Psalm 147:5
Psalm 147:5
Home Visits
Pastor Carlos' wife was visiting Mt. Horeb during the week and got a home visit. Miguel who is fluent in Spanish treated her. Her blood pressure was fairly high so Bill, Pharmacy along with Ryan came up with a prescription for her for a few days to see if it would go down. She came back and her blood pressure was normal. Thank you Ryan for working with Bill on configuring this prescription to meet her needs.
Mrs. Charlotte, Monica, Tyler, Galen, Catherine, Tiffany and Bill made several home visits. But Dr. Charlotte shared the most rewarding thing about the home visit is the pastor knew his community. The pastor knew their needs. He knew where to take the team to help those who needed the most health care. Dr. Charlotte shared the attitudes of these people who were homebound was humbling. Their family members care for them relentlessly, without complaint but with pure joy you find only through Jesus Christ. We learned so much more about people during these home visits. They were able to make seven home visits and were blessed at each one.
The last home visit was at Mt. Horeb on the North American Dorm porch. They were kind enough after working all day to come back on their off day to treat the gentleman one lady who works on Mt. Horeb. One very special story is where Dr. Charlotte was able to talk to our special lady who prepares all our great meals and she was able to lay hands on her life and pray with her about concerns within her family. Dr. Charlotte's colleagues were humbled by this act and felt the Holy Spirit move during this special time.
Also Mike had a cest on his head which Miguel so graciously removed. He also had a captive audience during the procedure. Several of our guys got PT to treat them with their many aches and pains they carry daily due to their work. I set on the porch of the pulperia and observed the many different activities taking place on the porch of the North American Dorm. Thank you team for taking it one step further. You all are truly a blessing from God.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:3
Ephesians 4:3
Worship Service
This day was one of many blessings. First of all we decided to go visit the church in the community we live, Pavana. Orin was willing to share God's word. The church family blessed us with music and the children blessed us with music as well. Mike got up and thanked them for having us and for being such amazing neighbors. We are blessed to be a part of a great community.
As the worship service started I was preparing to take my notes on the sermon for this blog when one of the children climbed into my lap and went to sleep. So I gave my pad to Mike to take the notes from the sermon. I take a look about ten minutes into Orin's sermon and there was maybe a sentence on the pad. I said what are you doing. Mike shared, "I cannot keep up with Orin." I laughed and set back to enjoy the service hoping to get Orin's notes later.
Orin shares with me after the service God changed his sermon as he started to preach. So I am going to share the scripture reference with you today and the title: "first start then to finish. "Orin shared several times during his sermon, "Who do they same that I am?" says Jesus. Do you know who Jesus is today? Who do you say Jesus is? God wants you to get personal with his Son, Jesus. God wants you to know His Son, Jesus. Jesus is the light of our world, bread of life, Savior and the Cross. As a Christian, a true follower of Christ, it will get tough, harder to be a part of the world. "So who do you say I am? "says Jesus.
God had a different task for me on this day by allowing me to show who Jesus is by holding this little one in my arms and feeling the true love of Jesus, my Savior. Thank you God for my God moment at church on this day.
When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"
Matthew 16:13
Matthew 16:13
Mt. Horeb
During the week the caravan would coming driving through the entrance of Mt. Horeb. On the last day they all came home together. Each day they would get off the buses, Kia or the Land Rover and come visit me in the pulperia. By the last day I knew their drink orders and their ice cream orders. This was an answer to pray for me as I watch them chatting on the porch of the pulperia or the North American dorms. Their joy of just chilling after a long day of work in not so cool environments. Each evening they all knew exactly when the sun would set and found their spot somewhere on the ministry campus to enjoy the beauty of God's creation. They were disconnected from cyber world this week put connected with our God and Lord Jesus Christ through conversations and the beauty all around them which our God has created. They were grateful and did not miss being connected this week Thank you God for an awesome group of young people.
Good bye our Friends
On their last day before departing we met shared, reflected and learned more about the history of how Mt. Horeb came to be. Mike and Ginger shared their testimony and then late that morning the team went on a tour of the ministry campus led by Rudy and Oso, our dog. They got to see the beauty of the country from a top of one of the rocks at the entrance. They saw were there may be a potential medical clinic one day. They got to relax and enjoy the beauty all around them. God blessed us with our first team on Mt. Horeb Ministry Campus of NCBM. They were flexible of anything which may or may not have been ready for their arrival. They enjoyed their meals each and every day. They applauded Senovia for a job well done in the kitchen, which there was never any left overs, except Honduran spaghetti. I think it started to grow at one point. But the team kept right on eating it until it was almost gone. The whole week was truly a God moment. The Holy Spirit was definitely in this place working through each and every one of us. It was definitely a mountain top experience which we all will treasure for a very long time. Lives were changed because of this week God set aside to come and do medical missions in four communities here in Honduras. To God be the total glory for all the details of this week. All God's people shouted AMEN!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016
February 15, 1981
Thirty five years ago I married my best friend, Mike. At that time we did not know on February 15, 2016 we would be serving the Lord in Honduras and seeing our dream come true. We picked up the "Move In" team at the airport which consisted of six dear friends and brothers in Christ. One of the team members, a young lady named Rita could not come on the 15th but came two days later. Mike and I have been beyond blessed for the last six years as we have served as On Site Coordinators in Honduras. We arrived on December 28, 2009 not knowing Spanish or much about a lot of the ministry except we came for ten years ourselves to build homes for the people of Honduras. As the year past we discussed how awesome it would be to expand the ministry and open up a way for the Hondurans to have a place to go have retreats and other conferences. Well, after prayer and a lot of giving folks along the way and those who sweated in the scorching heat of Pavana, Choluteca, Honduras our dream became a reality. So on February 15, our 35th wedding anniversary, we pick up the move in team. That evening we took them out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary. Mike surprised me with a bouquet of flowers provided by our sweet waitress, Suyapa and a sign written in Spanish to me saying Ginger, 35 years and it has been great. Long story but a sweet and funny one all at the same time. I am blessed to serve the Lord by my best friend and husband. God has truly blessed us over the years and now He continues to bless us while serving HIM here in Honduras. To God be the glory.
Adios Sweet Zamorano
Thank you God for six precious years with Mommy and Poppy in Zamorano, Honduras. They were more than land lords they were family. They treated us so special. Always there whenever we needed anything. So saying good-bye definitely came tears, many tears. But our journey must continue as we started loading and loading and loading bunk beds, mattresses, kitchen appliances and so much more. The gentleman who drove the box truck worked as hard as these men. Mike and all his preplanned truly paid off. They started packing the truck way before daylight and was ready to go by 7:00 am. Poppy stood back and watched with amazement as how well greased this task was taken to its completion. These six men did not all know each other until they arrived in Atlanta. Team leader, Derek, from Maryland did not know anyone coming in accept a picture he had received from each team member and little about themselves. Rodd and Rita did not know anyone either. Now the three amigos, Ron, Gorden and Joel have been to Honduras numerous times before. Joel brought his nephew, Phillip who only knew Joel. So we had a mixture of folks with different backgrounds but a couple of things in common, first of all they all love their Lord and love serving Him and they love Honduras. So with saying this they all became one for Christ that morning at 5:00 am as we began the journey to move permanently to Pavava, Honduras to Mt. Horeb Baptist Ministry Campus through North Carolina Baptist Men.
We love because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19
1 John 4:19
Welcome to Mt. Horeb Ministry Campus of North Carolina Baptist Men
We arrived to our first destination to unload the box truck and then to continue to Choluteca to pack up the mission house. Once again a smooth greased machine as everyone kicked it in high gear to work until the task for the first day was completed. When arriving back to Mt. Horeb later in the day with another box truck loaded to the top, the guys unloaded the second load onto the dorm porch. We stopped for the day to have supper and sit and watch the sunset. Also several team members reflected over the last three years and how much God has accomplished. There is the massive security gate with a beautiful and inviting entrance onto the ministry campus. As you enter what was where the staff stayed for the last three years will now become a pulperia and gift shop. Next to the pulperia is the bodega(storage building) where all the supplies are now stored. The North American Dorm is to the right, as you travel up the dirt road you will see the multipurpose building and to the right of that building is the missionary house. Our last phase is the completion of the cottages for the staff who live and work on Mt. Horeb. Pastor Carlos' home is in the center of two cottages. The other two cottages are for the women staff and the men staff. The beauty of the Prayer Rock still stands in its place looking out over Mt. Horeb as the landmark of the ministry campus. The most breath taking of all is God's sunsets each day at 5:55 pm Honduran time. What a blessing at the end of a day of hard work to sit back and reflect on your day as you watch the sunset right before your eyes. We look forward to seeing teams come and enjoy supper from the multipurpose building and able to see the sunset as well. Thank you God for all you give us and will continue to give us through this ministry here in Honduras.
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
Genesis 1:3
Genesis 1:3
Stinky Problem
Mr. Rodd came down to help tie in the sewer system. Rodd and Pastor Carlos after about an hour became united on this task. Rodd was able to teach Pastor Carlos how to tie in the sewer lines and other things that go along with it. Pastor Carlos gave Rodd a puzzle looked one day when Rodd ask for yeast to put down in the system. But Pastor Carlos told Mike Rodd needed yeast and yeast Mr. Rodd got. Pastor Carlos was blessed to work beside Rodd as Rodd was in turn very blessed to work beside Pastor Carlos. The two gentlemen became kindred spirits this week through a very stinky job. It ended up being a sweet blessing in spite of the stinky mess around them.
For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
Romans 11:36
Romans 11:36
Many many Jobs
As the second day unfolded into a day of many gifts and talents being used everywhere, Mt. Horeb began to take shape and personality. We asked the team to list all the jobs they did during this six day journey. Here is just to name a few, well as you saw in a earlier blog:
They loaded their luggage first,
they loaded the first truck in Zamorano
they traveled two hours to Pavana to then unload the box truck,
they headed to Choluteca to pack up the mission house and load the box truck and Kia again,
Mike disassembled bunk beds in Zamorano,
proceeded to put the bunk beds together in Pavana,
built bathroom stalls, washed clothes,
measured and cut wood and metal,
built shower rods,
swept dorm porch,
picked up garbage,
moved boxes into storage building behind the dorms,
painted bathrooms,
drilled necessary shower needs into shower stall
cut plywood for dorm room bathrooms' stall,
carried supplies to the kitchen,
painted bathroom stalls,
painted wall trim by bathroom sinks,
hang toilet paper holders,
supervised air conditioner removal at Choluteca house
brought women's conference materials and tools for Choluteca house,
This is just the beginning and probably left out so many other jobs which were taking place the first couple to three days. During God moments the team shared this was a very different week from a week of medical or construction. You knew what to do on a construction project or a medical brigade but this you never knew what you would be doing from one minute to the next. You definitely had to come with flexibility under your belt. This team exhibited extreme dedication of hard work as well as unity and flexibility.
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function,
Romans 12:4
Romans 12:4
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
Colossians 3:23
Colossians 3:23
Welcome Senovia
God blessed Mt. Horeb about a year ago with an amazing cook, a lady who takes pride in her work and aims to please. I would like to introduce to you Senovia. She came aboard working down in what the teams called the Red Roof Inn, the first building built. She cooked out back on a clay stove each and every day for our staff. She prepared their breakfast and their lunch with homemade tortillas daily. She left to go home daily around 1 or so.
Well her world is fixing to change. She cooked the week the move in team was here so we could get a feel of what menu we needed to provide for the teams for the rest of the year. She only had one request as she moved up to the multi-purpose building kitchen and dining area. She asked could she please have a clay stove up at the new kitchen so she could continue to cook her tortillas on a clay stove. So Mike hired her husband to start that process before the first team was to arrive in about a week. The new menu consists of:
beans, rice, plantains, and tortillas with creme
BBQ chicken with rice/potatoes, veggies
Honduran spaghetti
Meatballs, fried green banana chips, Honduran slaw
Bean Soup with tortillas
The menu may be apt to change at a later date. But for now we are being blessed with some delicious Honduran cuisine at Mt. Horeb. Thank you Senovia for taking the plunge and doing an amazing job.
So then, my brothers and sisters, when you gather to eat, you should all eat together.
1 Corinthians 11:33
1 Corinthians 11:33
Our Mt. Horeb Staff and More
We give God first and foremost all the praise and honor for Mt. Horeb today. After God comes our men who work daily to provide our safe and clean environment in which teams will get to enjoy. Thank you to Jose, Maida, Pastor Carlos, Wuilmer, Manuel, and Rudys. These people give of themselves selflessly daily on this ministry campus. They serve their Lord to the best of their abilities. They serve HIM with pride and joy on a daily basis. They are content with the joy of serving God on Mt. Horeb. If any thing needs to be done or we simply ask one day please take care of so and so, it is completed if possible before we get it out of our mouths. They are so committed to their jobs and Mike and I learn from them daily and are thankful to God for each of them.
I thank my God every time I remember you.
Philippians 1:3
Philippians 1:3
Thank You for Meidi
Meidi was sent our way about four years ago and we have been blessed every since. She wears many hats and to list them would take some time. I would like to stop today and thank God for our Meidi who lightens any ones day with her beautiful smile, her gentle and calm spirit and her endless willingness to do whatever to make mine and Mike's job much easier. There is not anything should would not do for this ministry. Meidi is definitely got the character traits of Martha in the bible but it is the good traits. Thank you Meidi for always being there to serve our Lord at a minutes notice.
First Meal in Multi Purpose Buidling
On Thursday afternoon I believe, we ate our first meal in the multi purpose building fellowship hall. Senovia and the help of Maida made tostatos, which we bought store bought shells and Senovia made homemade shells. Well, let just say the store bought shells were not touched. This was one of many meals the rest of the week which was a huge success. Along with the tostatos there was fresh squeezed lemonade. Everyone enjoyed their lunch and their siesta time before heading back to Mr. Mike's check list of things to get done before our first team on March 6.
We have learned a saying here in Honduras when you are eating a meal whether it is in restaurant or at home with family and it is "Buen Provecho". This means to enjoy your meal. This week the move in team was grateful to be the Guenna pigs for Sevnovia and her many dishes.
When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.
Jeremiah 15:16
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